

Description :
Goolar is a horny tree with a crooked trunk and a spreading crown. not like the banyan, it's no aerial roots. the foremost distinctive facet of this tree is that the red, hirsute figs in brief clusters, that grow directly out of the trunk of the tree. Those yearning for the flower of goolar ought to apprehend that the fig is truly a compartment carrying many flowers. One may wonder how these flowers enclosed in a ball are pollinated. The flowers area unit pollinated by terribly tiny wasps that crawl through the gap in search of an appropriate place to reproduce (lay eggs) without this pollinator service fig trees cannot reproduce by seed. 
                            Goolar Root
Details :
Botanical Name: Ficus racemosa
English Name :Country Fig, Cluster Fig, Gular fig
Common Name : Cluster fig
Hindi Name : Goolar,Umari, Udumbara, Pushp-hina, Dharma Patra, Goolar
Manipuri Name : Heibong
Telugu Name : Paidi
Marathi Name : Umber,Udumbar, Umbar
Malayalam Name : Atti,Atthi Al, Jantuphalam, Atthi
Tamil Name : Atti,Malaiyin Munivan, Vellai Atthi
Kannada Name : Rumadi,Atti, Atti Mara
Oriya Name : Dimri
Bengali Name :Udumbara
Gujarati Name :Umbaro, Goolar
Konkani Name :Rhumbud
Sanskrit Name :Vasudrumah, Yagniyah, Hemadugdhaka
Telugu Name :Bodda, Brahmamamidi, Atti
Urdu Name :Dumar
French Name : Figue De Faisceau
German Name : Traubenfeige
Arabic Name : Teen Ahmaq
Bengali Name : Jajnadumur, Jagnadumur
Chinese Name : Ju guo rong

Part Used : Bark, Root, Latex, Fruits

Medicinal  Uses :
  • Roots are helpful in hydrophobia whereas bark is cooling,acrid, galactagogue and sensible for gynaecological disorders.
  • Fruits are astringent to bowels, tonic,styptic and useful in the treatment of blood disorders, leucorrhoea, burning sensation, urinary discharges, fatigue, leprosy, menorrhagia, epistaxis and intestinal worms.
  • Bark is useful in piles and asthma . Latex is applied externally on chronic infected wounds to to alleviate swelling, pain and to push the healing.
  • The tender leaf buds are applied on the skin, within the kind of paste, to improve the complexion.
  • Leaves are astringent to bowels and sensible in case of bronchitis whereas fruits are useful in treatment of loss of voice,dry cough,  diseases of kidney and spleen.

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