

Description :
The tree is used in rest of the world for its hard wood. In India, it's conjointly accustomed create garlands from its odorous flowers. It finds use in several Ayurvedic products. particularly those for oral health. Lord Krishna is said to have played his flute under Bakul trees attracting young girls. The tree is claimed to flower once wet with nectar from the mouths of lovely girls. 
                                Ayurvedic Tree
Botanical Name: Mimusops Elengi
Sanskrit Name: Vakula
English Name: Bullet-wood tree
Common name: Spanish cherry
Hindi Name: Maulsari
Urdu Name: Kirakuli
Manipuri Name: Bokul lei
Tamil Name: Magizhamboo
Malayalam Name: Ilanni
Bengali Name: Bakul
Marathi Name: Bakuli
Konkani Name: Omval
Kannada Name: Ranjal
Gujarati Name: Barsoli
Bengali Name : Bakul, Bukal, Bakal
English Name : Bullet Wood Tree, Elengi Tree, Indian Medlar, Spanish Cherry
French Name : Karanicim
Urdu Name : Mulsari

Arabic Name : Labakh

Part Used :Fruit,Leaf,bark,Seed

Medicinal Uses :
  • The bark, fruits,flowers and seeds are astringent, anthelmintic, cooling, tonic, and febrifug.
  • It is mainly used in dental ailments like pyorrhea,bleeding gums, dental caries and loose teeth.
  • Extract of flowers used against heart diseases,menorrhagia , leucorrhoea and act as antiduretic in antitoxin and polyuria. 
  • The snuff made from the dried and powdered flowers used in a disease called Ahwa in which headache,strong fever and pain in the shoulders,neck and other parts of the body occurs. 
  • Powder of dried flowers is a brain tonic and helpful as a snuff to relieve cephalalgia.