
Madana / Mainphal

Description :
A large deciduous thorny ligneous plant grows up to five meters of height. Leaves simple,  wrinkled,obovate, pubescent and shiny. Flowers white,solitary,fragrant seen on at the tip of short branches. Fruits globular, sleek berries with longitudinal ribs; yellow once ripe. Seeds many, compressed, embedded in the dark smelly pulp.
                           Plant Fruit
Details :
Botanical Name :Randia Dumetorum
Sanskrit Name : Madana, Vamanaphala, Teevragandhi
English Name : Emetic nut
Arabic Name : Jauzulaki, Jijul kai 
Asam Name : Behmona
Bengali Name : Mainphal
English Name : Emetic nut tree
Gujarati Name : Mindhal, Mindhola, Midhola
Hindi Name : Mainphal, Madan
Malyalam Name : Kara
Marathi Name : Ghela, Peralu, Mindhal, Wagatta, Gelphal
Oria Name : Palova
Tamil Name : Marukkalanka1y, Madkarai
Telugu Name : Manga
German Name :Chelafruchte
Arabic Name : Teuzal Qay
Bengali Name : Jajnadumur, Jagnadumur
Chinese Name : Gang Tu
Sinhalese Name : Kokuruman
Japanese Name : Harizakuro
Burmese Name : Thaminsa
Persian Name :Tauzul Kehu

Part Used :Seed,Fruit,leaf
Medicinal Uses :
  • The drug is emetic,Anti-microbial,anthelmintic,astringent and abortifacient. Root useful in Skin diseases.
  • The pulp of fruit is believed by several practitioners to also have anthelmintic properties, and also used as an abortiffcient as folklore remedy.
  • It cures abscess, inflammation,ulcers,tumours,wounds,skin diseases and have antibacterial activity.
  • Randia dumetorum is used in treatment asthma, bronchatitis, rhinitis,cold, pain, cough, inflammation etc.
  • Randia dumetorum herb extract was obtained from dried and fine-grained fruits of Randia dumetorum using 95% wood spirit and its fractions were obtained by using increasing polarity of solvents like
  • Petroleum ether, ethylacetate,chloroform and wood spirit.

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