
Paneer Doda Flower / Panirdoda / Indian Doda fruit

Description :
Withania coagulans Dunal is very well known for its ethnopharmacological activities. The withania coagulans, is common in Pakistan,Iran,Afghanistan and East-West India, conjointly used in folk medicine. Fruits of the plant have a milk-coagulating characteristic . The fruits have been used for milk coagulation which is attributed to the enzymatic charisma of the plant . The fruits are sweet and are reported to be emetic,sedative, diuretic and  alterative. They are beneficial in chronic disorders of liver. The fruits are also used in flatulent coli, dyspepsia and other intestinal infections. They are employed for treatment of abiliousness,sthma and strangury. In some parts of the Indian sub-continent, the berries are used as a blood aparatus. The twigs are chewed for cleansing teeth and also the smoke of the plant is inhaled for relief of toothache. 
                           Paneer Doda Fruit
Details :
Botanical Name : Withania coagulans
English Name : Indian rennet, Vegetable rennet
Hindi Name :  Paneer bandh, Panirband, Punir, Punir dodi,Akri,Puni-ke-bij
Other Names: Indian Rennet, Vegetable Rennet, Indian Cheese-Maker
Tamil Name : amukara, amukkura
Telugu Name : panneru-gadda, pennerugadda
Urdu Name : hab kaknaj
Kannada Name : amakiregadday, asvagandhi, hire maddina gida
Malayalam Name : amukiram
Marathi Name : asvagandha
Chinese Name :Ning gu shui qie
Persian : Tukhme-kaknaje-hidi
Afghan Name :Spiubajja
Punjabi Name :Khamjira
Sindhi Name : Punirband , Punir- ja –fota
German Name: Kalmus, Chalmis, Magenwurz
Family Name : Solanaceae

Part Used : Fruit,Leaf,Seed

Medicinal Uses :

  • Paneer Phul is a remarkable stress-relieving, used to cure Diabetes, blood purifier,anti-cancer. Withania coagulans is also used in chronic complaints of liver.

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