
Cinnamon Dalchini

Description :
Dalchini, Cinnamon is accepted for its capabilities to enhance the metabolism of the body so it works well on Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity too- even this is sweet in taste.
For problems of the oral cavity right from the unhealthy breath, cavities in teeth and bad taste of mouth- Cinnamon helps altogether. Even it seems a simple herb- it can help in the difficult conditions like syphilis and tuberculosis too. So better next time you have a cappuccino with you add some cinnamon to this.
                             Herbal Spices
Botnical Name :Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Hindi Name : Dalchini, Darchini
Bengali Name : Dalchini
GujaratiName : Dalchini
Kannada Name : Lavangapattai
Malayalam Name : Karuvapatta
Marathi Name : Dalchini
Oriya Name : Dalchini
Punjabi Name : Dalchini
Sanskrit  Name : Darushila ,Twak
Tamil   Name : Karuvapattai, Sannalavangapattai
Urdu  Name : Dalchini
Arabic Name : Querfa
Indonesia Name :Kayu manis
Persian Name : Darchin
Sinhala Name : Kurundu
Turkish Name : Tarcin

Part Used :Bark , Powder,Leaf,Oil

Medicinal Uses :

  • Dalchini are used as a natural sweetener in diabetes mellitus.
  • Dalchini ought to be chewed or gargled (decoction of Dalchini) in bad breath, cavities in teeth and bad taste in mouth.
  • Dalchini is used for mouth wash in bad breath and keeps teeth healthy. This is often done by chewing of cinnamon.
  • Chewing of Dalchini helps in nausea.
  • Dalchini paste is applied in skin diseases like skin tags and moles etc.
  • Dalchini is applied regionally in headache and additionally in inflammation.
  • In dental cavity, cotton wool soaked in 1-3 drops of Dalchini oil relieves pain.
  • Dalchini oil or paste is regionally applied on penis in primary stage of syphilis.
  • Dalchini oil relieves pain and inflammation caused due to scorpion bite.
  • Dalchini is also used for cleaning and healing of tuber-culoid ulcer.
  • Dalchini is used in paralysis and neural debility.
  • Dalchini is useful in ama dosha,anorexia, abdominal pain and haemorrhoids.
  • Dalchini antiprotozoal action is seen in typhoid.
  • Dalchini is used in weakness of heart muscles and blood disorders caused as a result of bacterial infection.
  • Dalchini is an eanti-tubercular and xpectorant drugs
  • Dalchini has oxy-toxics and aphrodisiac properties. Thus it's helpful in amenorrhea and infertility.


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