
Erand mool /Castor Seeds

Description :
The castor bean plant, an erect, tropical shrub or small tree, grows up to 30 feet tall. The flat seeds are in a seedpod that explodes when ripen. All the top of the stem and stalks are the inflorescence with the male - and female flowers.
The seeds of castor bean or castor oil plant, are very poisonous to people, animals and insects; just one milligram of ricin (one of the main toxic proteins in the plant) can kill an adult. The castor oil is extracted from the beans, which is used for medicinal purposes. Commercially prepared castor oil contains none of the toxin.  
Details :
Botanical Name : Ricinus Communis
English Name : palma-christi, wild castor
Hindi Name: Arandi
Sanskrit Name : Arand,Erandi,arand-ke-binj,Gandharva hasta
Common name: Castor bean, Castor oil plant, Wonder tree,
Manipuri Name: Kege
Tamil Name: Amanakku, Vilakkennai Kottaimuttu
Kannada Name: Oudla
Bengali Name: Veranda
Assamese Name: Era-gach
Malayalam Name: Chittamankku
Latin Name : Ricinus communis
Persian Name : Khora, Bedanjeer, Khirwa
Arabic Name : Khirwa’, Taartaqa, Kiki, Jaar
Chilean Name: Ricino , Palma christi
Spanish Name : Higuerilla
German Name : Rizinus, Christuspalme, Hundsbaum, Läusebaum, Römische Bohne, Wunderbaum

Part Used :Root , Seed

Medicinal Uses:

  • Eranda powder is one of the best Vata pacifier Ayurveda herb which also nourishes the body. It makes Eranda very useful in Sciatica, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteo arthritis and gynecological disorders. 
  • Eranda stimulates taste buds and increases appetite, liver stimulant and cholagogu in small quantity.
  • Eranda in excess amount acts as a purgative.
  • Eranda in small doses useful in condition like loss of appetite, liver disorders and jaundice which are due to obstruction in balilary passages. 
  • Eranda given in congestive cardiac failure it causes a watery diarrhea. 
  • Eranda is an appetizer, purgative and vermifuge and hence is useful in abdominal diseases. 
  • Eranda acts on rakta dhatu, it reduces pulmonary disorders.
  • Eranda is expectorant, it alleviates cough and dyspnoea. 
  • Eranda act as diuretic in diabetes.
  • Eranda reduces burning and pruritus induced by improper secretion and excretion of bile.
  • Eranda purifies blood it reduces and palpitations.
  • Eranda increases the heart strength and blood pressure.

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