
Melon Seed

Description :
Muskmelon Seeds is another name for cantaloupes, casaba and alternative melons with a fragrant, sweet scent. These are vigorous plants with sensible foliage cowl. It has extended shelf life with smart keeping quality and pleasantness. Muskmelons are types of melons that may have  green, orange or white edible flesh. This delicious fruit grows in the summer months and is a refreshing and cool treat after a day of working or playing outdoors in the hot sunshine.
These musk melon seeds are widely appreciable for their superior quality. The reasonable prices and remarkable high functionality enhance the demands for these musk melon seeds. Muskmelon Seeds is Good Source Of Potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Folate, Manganese ,Zinc ,Magnesium , Copper, Iron, Calcium ,Vitamin B3 ,Vitamin B2 . Melon seed is an average antioxidant.
                           Herbal Seed
Details :
Botanical Name : Cucumis melo
English Name : Melon, Muskmelon, Sweet Melon, Cantaloupe
Hindi Name : Kharbuza, Kharbuja, Kharbuj
Arabic Name : Bateekh, Bateekh Asfar, ‘Abdallaawee, Shamaam
Bengali Name : Kharmuj
Chinese Name : Gua ding, Tian gua zi
French Name : Cantaloup, Melon Cantaloup
German Name : Zuckermelone, Cantaloupe-Melone
Gujarati Name : Turbuch
Kannada Name : Kalingada
Kashmiri Name : Kharbuz
Latin name : Cucumis melo Linn
Marathi Name : Kharbuj, Valuk
Persian Name : Kharpaza
Sanskrit Name : Kalinga, Kharvuja
Urdu Name : Kharbuza

Part Used :Seed

Medicinal Uses :
  • Muskmelon Seeds helps in Weight loss.
  • Muskmelon Seeds reduces High cholesterol.
  • Curing tract constipation, infections, ulcer and acidity.
  • Muskmelon Seeds is extremly good for Skin disorders and Hair related problems.
  • Muskmelon Seeds Curing Immune system , Cardiovascular system and Nervous disorders problems.


  1. Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more information about muskmelon.Please keep sharing.
    Health Is A Life

  2. Thanks for sharing this informative information about Muskmelon seeds with us. It's very helpful. Keep it up!
