
Mango Seed

Description :
Mango seeds; Fruit tree possess astringent property that makes them very useful in excessive urination, diarrhea, diabetes, gynecological problems especially excessive bleeding during menstrual cycle.
Mangoseeds and all other conditions involving too much production and excretion of fluids from the body. It additionally supports the heart muscles to work out in a better way and improves the complexion of skin.
                                   Organic Fruit
Details :
Botanical Name: Mangifera indica
English Name: Mango,Mango tree, Cuckoo's joy
Common Name: Aam,Mango
Sanskrit Name: Amrabijamajja,Amra, Chuta
Latin Name: Mangifera indica 
Gujarati Name: Aambo
Kannada Name: Ballimavu, Amba, Maavu, Maavu, Simavu, Mavinahannu, Mavu, Mavina Mara
Kashmiri Name:Amb, Amb
Konkani Name: Ambo, Ambo
Malayalam Name: Amaram, Moochi, Mampazham, Manga, Maavu,Maavu, Mavu
Manipuri Name: Heinou
Marathi Name: Amba,Amba
Nepali Name:  Mango
Panjabi Name: Amb
Arabic Name: Manga
Assamese Name:Aam,Aam
Bengali Name: Aama
German Name : Mangobaum
Italian Name : Mango
Turkish Name : Mangu ad
French Name : Manguier
Chinese Name : Mang-wo

Part used :Seed

Medicinal Uses :
  • Mango seeds powder is suggested in excessive bleeding per vaginum and conditions of excessive fluid excretions from the body e.g. diarrhea and diabetes.
  • Mango seeds nourish the entire body specially the muscular tissue.
  • Because of its astringent property Mango seeds are very helpful in conditions of excessive secretion of fluids from the body like diarrhea and diabetes.
  • Mango Seeds are also very useful in conditions of too much bleeding like excessive bleeding per vaginum.
  • Mango seeds possess anti diabetic and immunomodulatory properties.
  • Mango seeds are anthelmintic and reduce inflammation of uterus.
  • Mango seeds are constipative, antidiuretuc and useful in menorrhagia and leucorrhoea.
  • Mango seeds are haemostatic,cardiotonic, and aphrodisiac. These give strength and improves complexion.

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