
Dry Bitter Melon

Description :
Karela also known as Bitter melon/ bitter gourd or Momordica charantia is especially useful in diabetes as it stimulates Liver,Pancreas and spleen; improves absorption of food and better regulation of blood sugar level.
Workings of liver determine a lot about skin health so Karela additionally edges in skin diseases. It is also helpful in kidney stone. Karela is also recommended in breast cancer to reduce any unfold.

Botanical Name : Momordica Charantia
English Names : Bitter cucumber, Bitter melon , and Balsam pear
Indian Name : Karela
Tamil Name : Pavai kai/Paahar kai
Kanadam Name : Hagalakayi
Malayalam Name  : Kaipakka/Paavakka 
Marathi Name  : Karle
Bengali Name  : Korola/Uchchhey (Smaller variety)
Gujarati Name : Kaarela
Chinese Name :: kugua
Oriya Name :: Kakudi
Telugu Name : kAkara kAyi
Spanish Name : balsamina or calabasa china
Dutch Name : springkomkommer
French Name : assorossie
German Name : wunderbalsampfel
Italian Name : Balsamini Lunghi
Genus Name : Momordica
Species Name : charantia
Common Names: Bitter melon, papailla, melao de sao caetano
Family Name : Cucurbitaceae

Part Used: whole plant, fruit, seed.

Medicinal Uses :
  • Karela is best suggested in diabetes. It not only normalizes the blood sugar level but minimize the diabetic complications also.
  • Karela has analgesic, wound healing and cleaning properties.
  • Karela is useful in burning sensation, piles and dermatoses.
  • Karela is helpful to the eyes. To improve vision Karela Powder ought to be taken in routine. This characteristic of Karela makes it helpful to attenuate diabetic complications particularly diabetic retinopathy.
  • Being an appetizer, cholagogue,digestive, anthelmintic and purgative, it is used in anorexia, loss of appetite, liver disorder, ama Dosha, piles and helminthiasis.
  • Karela is a blood purifier,diuretic and anti-inflammatory. It alleviates Kapha; hence it is useful in blood disorders, asthma, inflammation, cough, Dysmenorrhea, calculi, urinary disorders, amenorrhea, disorders of lactation, dermatoses fever, poisoning and obesity.
  • Karela is an wonderful remedy for high sugar levels in blood and urine.
  • Karela additionally edges in unhealthy cholesterin levels.

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