
Dhaincha Seed

Description :
Prickly Sesban is an erect, somewhat woody, low annual bush, growing up to 7-8 m tall. Usually it is seen only 2-3 m tall. Stems are fairly thick, hairless, branched from the bottom however soft and pithy. Leaves are up to 38-40 cm long, compound, with 20-60 pairs of leaflets, 1.0-2.5 cm long, 0.4 cm wide,  glaucous,smooth. Flowers are borne in 3-9-flowered, 2.0-7.0 cm long clusters. Flowers are purple-spotted and yellow . Pods are up to 20 cm long, 0.4 cm thick, curved, many-seeded.
                                     Medicinal Flowers
Details :
Botanical name: Sesbania bispinosa
Hindi Name:  Dhaincha, Ikad, Dadon, Daden  
Common Name: Prickly Sesban  
Kannada Name: Dhaincha, Mullu jeenangi  
Malayalam Name: Kedangu  
Marathi Name: Bhuiavali, Chinchani, Kansevari, Ran-Shevri  
Tamil Name: mutcempai, uravi,Cen kitai, Malai murunkai
Nepalese Name :  Kaande dhaichaa
Thai Name : Sano khang khok
Telugu Name :Errajiluga.
Assamese Name : Dhanasa

Part Used : Seeds,Flower

Medicinal Uses :
  • Sesbania Seed can be used in poultry diets but only cautiously and in restricted amounts.
  • Its stems offer a robust sturdy fiber, which is used in the water-related activities and paper industry as it said to be superior to jute fibre.
  • Seeds mixed with flour are used in the treatment of ringworm, wounds and skin diseases.

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