
Patola Patra

Description :
Patola Patra Trichosanthes dioica or pointed gourd is recommended in liver disorders. It nourishes the liver and corrects all its functions.
Working of the digestive system and the skin health are directly related with the working of liver. therefore Patola Patra conjointly benefits in these conditions also. Patola Patra is a soft laxative therefore helps in proper evacuation of stool. It also detoxifies the body, cleanses the blood; helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol limits and calms down the restless mind.
                               Plant Buds
Botanical Name :Trichosanthes Dioica
English Name :Pointed gourd
Hindi Name :Palval, Palwal, Parvar, Parwal
Sanskrit Name :Bijagarbha, Karkasa, Karkasacchada, Kulaka, Meki
Bengali Name :Potol, Patol
Kannada Name :Kahi-padavala
Malayalam Name :Kattu-potolam, Patolam
Marathi Name :Kadu-padvala, Parwar, Palwal
Tamil Name : Kombuppudalai, Musu musukai, Peypputalai, Putalai, Kombu-pudalai, Peyu-padal, Kompupputal, Amirtapalai
Tibetan Name :Pa-to-la

Part Used : Leave

Medicinal Uses :

  • Patola Patra is recommended as a supplement altogether liver disorders; it can also be consumed by a healthy fellow.
  • Root paste is used in headache as it is an hair strengthening,analgesic, helps in wound healing and cleansing.
  • Patola Patra juice is applied over wounds and alopecia areata.
  • Patola Patra is used in jaundice, because it is purgative.
  • Patola Patra is extremly beneficial in cough and strengthens the chest.
  • Patola Patra is extremely effective in skin diseases with pruritus.
  • Patola Patra is febrifuge. It is used in Pittajwar, typhoid, chronic fever,
  • Patola Patra improves the appetite , digestion and taste of mouth. It is antidipsetic, improves peristalsis, cholagogue, anthelmintic, laxative. Higher dose causes vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Patola Patra is used in anorexia i.e. loss of appetite, jaundice,liver disorders, ascites, helminthiasis and piles . Leaf juice induces emesis.
  • Patola Patra is blood purifier and anti-inflammatory, therefore it's helpful in blood disorders and inflammation.

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