

Description :
Kutki is a small herb with spoon-shaped, 5-20 cm long leaves, almost all at the bottom. Leaves are coarsely toothed, narrowed to a winged stalk. Rhizomes of the plant are 10-25 cm long and woody.
Kutki, Piccorrhiza kurroa removes both Kapha and Pitta (when these are in excess) from the body and purifies the channels related with the Pitta and Kapha. In conditions where Kapha blocks the Pitta channels- it causes the congestive failure of the heart in such conditions when Kutki is given in proper quantity- Kutki causes loose motion and it relaxes the heart and can prove life saving.  
                                         Herbal Kutki
Botanical Name: Picrorhiza kurroa
English Name :Picrorhiza
Hindi Name: kardi,karoi,karu, karwi
Common name Name: Kutki
Malayalam Name: katukhurohani
Nepali Name: kurki
Sanskrit Name: Anjani, arishta, katumbhara
Tamil Name: Acokarokini, akutam, akutarokini, amakkini
Telugu Name: Katuka-rogani, katukarogani, katukkurohini
Urdu Name: Kutki
Family Name: Thymelaeaceae (Daphne family)

Part used : Root

Medicinal Uses :
  • Kutki is among the best Pitta pacifying Ayurveda herbs.
  • It stimulates correct secretion of bile juices from liver and corrects all functions of liver.
  • Kutki is bitter to taste, if given in small dose it stimulates taste buds and increases appetite, liver stimulant and cholagogue.
  • In excess amount Kutki acts as a purgative.
  • In heart disease Kutki and glycyrrhiza in equal quality with sugar, is prescribed.
  • Kutki acts as a diuretic in diabetes.
  • Kutki is best remedy for purification of milk in lactative mothers.
  • In small doses Kutki is useful in conditions like loss of appetite, liver disorders and jaundice which are due to obstruction in biliary passages.
  • In constipation, flatulence and ascites, Kutki acts as a purgative if given in large dose.
  • When given in congestive cardiac failure Kutki causes a watery diarrhea. This reduces the circulatory hydrostatic pressure on the heart and there by the workload on it.
  • Kutki reduces pulse rate which is similar to the action of digitalis.

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