

Description :
It has prickly stems and tiny, fluffy, ball shaped pink flowers in summer. It grows to a height of 50-60 cm with a variety of 30-40 cm. In some areas this plant is changing into a unwholesome weed. The stem is slender,erect and branching. The leaves are compound, fern like and pale green- closing once disturbed. 
The fruit consists of clusters of 3-8 pods from 1-3 cm long every, these prickly on the margins. The pods break into 3-6 segments and contain pale brown seeds some 2.5-3.0 mm long. The flowers are pollinated by the wind and insects. The seeds have arduous seed coats which restricts germination.
                              Herbal Flower
Details :
Botanical Name: Mimosa pudica 
English Name :Sensitive plant, Touch-shy plant
Hindi Name : Lajawanti, Lajalu, Lajjavanti,Sharmpate, Najuk, Sharminda, Chui mui
Sanskrit Name : Ajalikalika, Lajja, Lajjalu, Lajjaluh, Lajjika, Mahabhita
Bengali Name :Lajjabate, Lajak, Lajjabati
Kannada Name :Hadergitte, Lajja, Mudugudavara, Muthamurike
Malyalam Name :Thendarmani, Thottamvati, Tintarmani, Tottalvati, Tottavati
Marathi Name :Lajri, Lajalu, Laajari, Lajaalu
Oriya Name :Hlo-nuar, Hlonuar, Lajkudi
Tamil Name :Kasirottam, Samangai, Tottachurungi, Tottalcurunki, Tottalvadi, Tottalvati
Telgu Name :Manugumaramu, Munuguda-maramu, Muttavapulagamu-chettu
Tibetan Name :Btsod rigs gcig pa, Sa mam ga
Manipuri Name :Kangphal, Kangphal ikaithabi
Assamese Name : Nilajban

Part Used : Roots, leaves and flower heads.

Medicinal Uses :
  • The plant provides symptomatic relief in piles,fistula and glandular swellings.
  • According to the Unani system of drugs, root is resolvent, alternative, useful in diseases arising from blood impurities and gall, piles,bilious fevers,  jaundice, leprosy etc.
  • The sensitive plant is often used for bleeding disorders like menorrhagia, dysentery with blood and piles and mucus.
  • The leaves are used for lumbar pain and nephropathy.
  • All parts of the plant have been used to combat uterine cancer and glandular tumours.

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