

Description :
Putranjiva is a famous, moderate-sized, evergreen tree, growing up to 12 m in height. It has pendant branches and dark grey bark having horizontal lenticels. Leaves are simple, alternately arranged, dark green, shiny, elliptic-oblong, distantly serrated. Male flowers, with short stalks, in rounded axillary clusters, female flowers 1-3 in leaf axil. 
It clearly indicates the importance of Putrajivak for conception and healthy maintenance of pregnancy. Because of this use, Putrajivak is also named as Garbhada and Garbhakara.
                                 Putranjiva Uses

Common Name :child's amulet tree, child-life tree, lucky bean tree
Botanical name: Putranjiva roxburghii
Bengali Name : putranjiva
Gujarati Name : putranjiva
Hindi Name : putrajiv
Kannada Name : menasinakale,  putramjiva
Konkani Name : saman
Malayalam Name : puththilanji
Marathi Name : jivputrak, putrajivi
Oriya Name : poilundia, sutajivah
Sanskrit Name : apatyamjivah,  putranjivah,  shripadamapah
Tamil Name : kari-p-palai,  puttira-civi
Telugu Name : kuduruuvvi,  putra-jivika

Part Used :Root

Health Benefit and Uses :
  • Putrajivak is recommended as a supplement for healthy and complication free pregnancy.
  • Putrajivak is recommended for male and female infertility.
  • Putrajivak paste is useful as an analgesic in headache, inflammation and abscess.
  • Putrajivak improves both the quality and no. of healthy sperms.
  • Putrajivak is very useful in maintenance of pregnancy till term in a healthy way.
  • Putrajivak is also recommended for the complications of pregnancy specially the hypertension and edema of feet.
  • Putrajivak nourishes and rejuvenates the eyes.   
  • Decoction of Putrajivak leaves and fruits is given in fever and common cold.

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