

Description :
Inula racemosa grows in temperate and western Himalayas at an altitude of 1300 to 4500 meters.The plant is small hardy shrub that grows on an average height of 0.33 to 2 meters and leaves of Inula are 3-6 cm long and 2-3 cm broad and elliptical with long petioles. 
The plant stem is rough and slight hairy. The fruit is slender, 0.4 cm long and bearing small hairs. 
Pushkarmool is usefulness in asthmatic conditions as well as heart diseases. It corrects the working of heart and respiratory system. It possesses therapeutic properties for diabetes, heart diseases; anemia and its complications. Pushkarmool is also a very good anti allergic Ayurveda herb which works well in stress related conditions as it lowers the stress hormone. 
                                 Natural Root
Botanical Name :Inula racemosa
Hindi Name : pohakarmul, puskarmul
Kannada Name : rasnabheda
Lahaul Name : manurucha
Malayalam Name : puskaramulam, puskkaramulam
Marathi Name : pushakar
Sanskrit  Name : kasmira, kusthabheda, padmapatra, pauskara, pauskaram
Tamil Name : puskkaramulam
Telugu Name : puskaramu
Tibetan Name : ma bu, ma nu, ma nu ru rta, mu-la, pu ska rmu la, pu-ska-ra

Part Used :Root

Health Benefit and Uses :
  1. Pushkarmoola is an antifungal, it cures pus formation, swelling and pain.
  2. Pushkarmoola powder is sprinkled over tuberculoid ulcers or it paste is applied. It is used in painful swelling.
  3. Pushkarmoola stimulates brain and nervous system, hence it is useful in cerebral impairment and vata disorders.
  4. Pushkarmoola is cardiac stimulant and blood purifier, hence useful in cardiac debility and blood disorders. It is the best medicine for cardiac asthma.
  5. Pushkarmoola stimulates kidneys and increases urine formation by Tikshna, ushna, medogami and kaphagami properties.
  6. Pushkarmoola acts as an expectorant by pungent, bitter and ushna properties. Thus it clears the airways and alleviates cough, dyspnoea and hiccoughs.
  7. Pushkarmoola roots are bitter, acrid, thermogenic, aromatic, stimulant, antiseptic, alexipharmic, carminative, stomachic, expectorant, broncho-dialator, uterine stimulant, emmenagogue, resolvent, febrifuge and tonic.
  8. Pushkarmoola  has anti histaminic and a broncho-dilatory action that makes it work in Shwasa roga.
  9. Pushkarmoola acts as digestive and thus improves digestion and strengthens all dhatu.
  10. Pushkarmoola is useful in general debility, anaemia, improves cardiac circulation, tissue metabolism and relieves weakness. 
  11. Pushkarmoola useful is in amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea.
  12. Pushkarmoola reduces pain during menstruation and flow becomes normal.

1 comment:

  1. can i give pushkarmoola it to 4 year old kid for allergy nose and cough dry and wet astham and how much should be given
    i have been told these medcines
    neem,Pushakarmool, Pippali, Krishna Tulsi, Vibhitaki and tulsi
