

Description :
Fenugreek seed is the ripe fruit of an annual herb. this robust herb has light green leaves, is 30-60 cm tall and produces slender, beaked pods, 10-15 cm long, each pod contains 10-20 small hard yellowish brown seeds, which are smooth and oblong, about 3mm long, each grooved across one corner, giving them a hooked appearance.   
Fenugreek benefits in reducing coughs, mouth ulcers, boils, bilious stomach problems, constipation, joint pains, etc.It also known as Methi in Hindi, helps lose weight, fight baldness and control diabetes. This herb is native to the Mediterranean countries.  
                                  medicinal seed
Details :
Botanical Name: Trigonella foenum-graecum
Hindi Name: methe
Bengali Name : methe
Gujarati Name : methe
Kannada Name : menthya
Malayalam Name : ventayan, uluva
Marathi Name : methe
Oriya Name : methe
Punjabi Name : methe
Tamil Name : vendayam or venthiyam
Telugu Name : mentulu or menthulu
Urdu Name : methe
Spanish Name : alholva
French Name : fenugrec
German Name : bockshorklee
Swedish Name : bockshornklee
arabic Name : hulba
Dutch Name : fenegriek
Italian Name : fieno greco
Portuguese Name : alforva
Russian Name : pazhitnik
Japanese Name : koroha
Chinese Name : k'u - tou

Part Used : Seed

Medicinal Uses :
  • Methika powder is specially recommended for aged fellow to counteract the age related wear and tear in the body.
  • Methika powder is also taken for preventive as well as therapeutic purpose in arthritis. 
  • Since Methika is an appetizer and carminative, it is useful in anorexia, loss of appetite and fever.
  • Women are advised to consume Methika seeds in the post natal period to improve excretory and menstrual functions.
  • Methika is used in dyspepsia. Indigestion, rheumatoid arthritis and also as an aphrodisiac.
  • Roasted seeds of Methika in the form of infusion are indicated in diarrhea and small pox.
  • Methika porridge is used as galactogogue.
  • Being astringent, roasted seeds of Methika along with dry grapes and common salt are given in diarrhea. 

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