
Gambhari Bark

Description :
A tall tree with young parts densely velvety tomentose. Leaves opposite, broadly ovate or elliptic-rhomboid, cordate or subtruncate, fulvous tomentose beneath. Flowers orange yellow or brownish yellow, in dichotomously branched, velvety tomentose panicles of 3 - flowered cymes. 
Gambhari or Khambhari is a tree which is valued in Ayurveda for its medicinal properties which include control of haemorrhoids, hyperdipisia, stomacholgia, burning sensation, hallucination, fever, leprosy, leprosy, ulcers, constipation, strangury, leucorrhoea, colpitis and skin diseases. 
                                            Ayurvedic Medicine


Botanical name: Gmelina arborea
English name: Candhar tree
Hindi Name : Gambhar, Kashmari, Nandivriksha, Gamari, Gambari, Gambhar 
Sanskrit Name : Gambhari, Shriparni, Madhuparnika, Ashveta, Bhadra
Kannada Name : Bachanige, Gupsi, Kashmiri, Kashniri-mara, Kule
Malyalam Name : Cumbulu, Kumbil, Kumbili, Kumbula, Kumil, Kumilu, Kumpil
Marathi Name : Shewan, Shivan, Sshivanasal, Gamar, Kamar, Shiwan, Shevan
Oriya Name : Thlanvawng, Butalo
Tamil Name : Arisa, Kalarbadi, Kattanam, Kumadi, Kumbal, Kumil
Telgu Name : Adavigummudu, Challagummudu, Gumar-tek, Gummadi
Assamese Name :Gomari
Bengali Name : gamari, gambar, gumbar
Gujrati Name :Shewan, Sivan
Kasmiri Name :mara, shivani
Panjabi Name : gumhar, kumhar

Part Used :Root,Fruit

Dose : Root kwath 50 - 100 ml

Medicinal Uses :
  • Anti-microbial properties: The leaf and bark extracts of Gambhari tree have been tested for their anti-microbial properties. They have shown that the leaf and bark extracts could control bacterial species such as E coli, K pnemoniae, P dysentria and S typhi.
  • Anthelmintic properties: Anthelmintic or insecticidal property is another important one present in the leaf and bark extracts of Gambhri. Studies on several worms administered with the leaf and bark extracts of Gambhari resulted positive. Children are the most affected in cases of intestinal worms due to underdeveloped digestive system. Thus, as a precautionary measure, it is better to stock natural anthelmintic medicines.
  • Diuretic activities: Diuretic properties responsible for inducing urination in our body. This process is of particular importance as it can help in regulating the water level and reduces the amount of sodium in our bodies. Diuretic property was attributed to Gambhari as a result of tests conducted on mice.
  • Protects the heart: The extracts of Gambhari are of particular importance because studies have shown that Gambhari reduces the effects of cardio toxins and strengthens the heart. Thus, taking Gambhari on a regular basis will make the heart healthy.
  • Controls diabetes: Taking Gambhari regularly can control diabetes. Tests on diabetic mice have shown that Gambhari can significantly control diabetes. Apart from this, the extracts also provide anti-oxidant properties which reduce the formation of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Immunomodulatory properties: The immune system is the second line of defence in our body. The strength of the immune system is determined by the number of antibodies present in our body which can readily attack invading bacteria, fungi, yeast, virus, etc. This activity goes on in your body even as you read this line. Weaker immune system, as we know results in viral and bacterial infections. Gambhari can strengthen our immune system by helping increase the WBC count, neutrophils and lymphocytes in our bodies.
  • Analgesic or painkilling activity: Natural painkillers are in demand in the recent years for their negligible side effects. Unlike the commercially available synthetic chemicals, the extracts of Gambhari displayed higher pain control.

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