
Kanchanar Bark

Description :
The fast-growing Orchid-Tree will ultimately reach 35 feet in height and width, the slender trunks topped with arching branches clothed in large, two-lobed, deciduous leaves. In fall, before the leaves drop, Orchid-Tree is festooned with many showy and delightfully fragrant, five-inch-wide blossoms, the narrow purple, pink, and lavender petals arranged to closely resemble an orchid. These flowers appear on the trees from September through November and are a beautiful sight to see, creating a vivid splash of color in the autumn landscape.
The herb of choice for all types of extra growths in the body. It is specially recommended for extra growths in thyroid and imbalance of thyroid hormones.It also good for the skin and also benefits in prolapsed of anus. It also benefits in excessive bleeding per vaginum.

Details :
Botanical Name : Bauhinia Variegata
English Name : Orchid tree
Assamese Name : kotora, kurol
Bengali Name : raktakanchan
Dogri Name : kaliyar, kanchnar, karaid, katraid
Garo Name : darichiksam, migong
Hindi  Name : barial, dhak, goriyal, gurial, gwiar, kachnar, kancanar
Kannada  Name : arishina thaega, arisinantige, arjuna, arsantega, ayata 
Khasi Name : dieng long, dieng tharlong
Malayalam Name : chommandara, chovanna-mandaru, chovannamandaree
Manipuri  Name : chingthao-angouba
Marathi  Name : kanaraj, kanchan, kavidara, rakta-kanchan
Mizoram Name : vau-favang, vaube, vaufawang
Nepali  Name : takki
Oriya  Name : yugapatra
Sanskrit Name : ashmantaka, asphota, camarika, chamari
Tamil  Name : akatuti, aranpucaikkerramaram1
Telugu  Name : boda, bodanta, bodantham, daevakaanchanamu
Uses :
  1. Kanchanar helps in wound cleaning and healing, it cures skin disorders and inflammations. Decoction is used for washing wounds and skin disorders.
  2. The Bark ground in a paste is useful in lymphadenitis. Decoction made from its bark, pods of Babool (Acacia) tree and flowers of pomegranate is used for gargles in oral disorders.
  3. Decoction of Kanchanar is used for fomentation in rectal prolapsed.
  4. Kanchanar has astringent and anthelmintic properties but it causes vomiting in excess dose.
  5. Astringent property of Kanchanar is useful in diarrhea, dysentery, rectal prolapsed, hemorrhoids and helminthiasis.
  6. Kanchanar enhances emetic action when used in conjunction with emetic drugs.
  7. Gulkand prepared from the flowers is used in constipation, while dried buds are used in hemorrhoids.
  8. Kanchanar acts as haemostatic and reduces the inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  9. Kanchanar is effective in hemorrhagic disorders.
  10. Kanchanar is very useful in cough.
  11. Kanchanar controls polyurea in diabetes.  
  12. In menorrhagia, Kanchanar acts as a haemostatic by astringent property.
  13. Kanchanar is used in skin diseases. Mixture of Kanchanar bark, rice water, and ginger is effective in osteoporosis. 

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