
Banyan Bark

Description :
Banyan tree is a huge tree with very extensive branches. It is said that at one time more than 10, 000 people can sit under its shade at one time. It is a evergreen tree. It branches spread out and send trunk like roots to the ground in order to support itself. It grows to a height of more than 21 meters and lives for many years possibly over a thousand years. The leaves are 10 -20 cm long and has many aerial roots. The leaves are broad, oval and glossy. White milky fluid oozes out of leaves, if broken.  
The leaves of the Banyan Tree are large in size and leathery. Most of them are oval-shaped and dark, glossy green in colour. They are also noticeably pale-veined. The tree also has two large scales that cover the leaf bud.  
                               Herbal Powder
Botanical Name: Ficus bengalensis
English Name : Banyan tree
Hindi Name   : Bargad, Bat, Vad
Sanskrit Name :Nyagrodhah
Tamil Name :  Alamaram
Latin  Name  :  Ficus Benghalensis
Malayalam Name :Peral
Telugu Name:  Pedda-marri
Kannada Name: Ala
Marathi Name : Vata
Bengla Name : Vatagach
Indonesia Name : rambung, kajai, karet
Malaysia Name : bunoh seteroh
Burma Name : bedi

Thailand Name : yaang lop, yaang india, lung

Part Used :Bark,Leave

Medicinal Uses :
Diarrhoea and Dysentery : The leaf buds of the banyan tree are beneficial in the treatment of chronic diarrhoea and dysentery. The buds should be soaked in water'  overnight and taken as infusion in the treatment of these diseases. The latex is also useful in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery. 
Piles :  A few drops of the latex of the banyan tree mixed In milk and taken daily helps to cure bleeding piles. With this treatment, the diet of the patient should contain liberal quantities of green vegetables especially fenugreek and manattakkali or black nightshade leaves. Female Sterility 
Female sterility:  Tender roots of the banyan tree are considered beneficial in the treatment of female sterility. These roots should be dried in the shade and finely powdered. This powder should be mixed 5 times its weight, with milk, and taken at night for 3 consecutive nights after menstruation cycle every month till the conception takes place. No other food should be taken with this. 
Leucorrhoea : A regular douching of the genital tract with a decoction of the bark of the banyan tree and the fig tree. is helpful in leucorrhoea. A tablespoon each of the powders of the bark of the two trees should be boiled in a lt. of water till it is reduced to about half. Douching with the lukewarm decoction will keep the tissues of vaginal tract healthy. 
Teeth Disorders:  Cleaning the teeth with the aerial roots of the banyan is beneficial in preventing teeth and gum disorders. As one chews the stick and brushes, the astringent secretion from the root-stick cleanses and strengthens the teeth and gums-. 
Rheumatism: The latex is commonly used locally for rheumatism, pain and lumbago. 
 Skin Disorders :  A hot poultice of the leaves can be applied with beneficial results to abscesses to promote suppuration and to hasten their breaking. The milky juice from the fresh green leaves is useful in destroying warts. The latex is commonly used locally for sores, ulcers and bruises. 
Other Diseases : An infusion of the bark is a specific medicine for diabetes. The tender ends of the aerial roots can be taken in obstinate vomiting.

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