

Description :
An annual herbaceous plant, calendula blooms at the start of almost every calendar month. The basal leaves are spathulate and stalked, while the pale green stem leaves are lanceolate, alternate and sessile. The plant bears flowers in bright yellow, red and orange colors. The fruits are rough and curved achene. The plant is cultivated in the kitchen gardens around India, for the flowers that are dried for broth. Marigold is native to Egypt and the Mediterranean, but has become naturalized in the temperate regions of the world. It can be found throughout India and is widely grown in the Valley of Flowers in Ranthambore National Park. The plant is known as zergul in Hindi. 
Botanical Name: Calendula Officinalis

English Name: Marigold, Calendula
Hindi Name : Genda, Gulzafri
Chinese Name: Jin Zhan Ju
Sanskrit Name: Zergul
Latin Name : Calendula officinalis
Common Name(s): Pot Marigold, Garden Marigold, Holigold, Mary Bud, Pot Marigold, Calendula, Caltha, Ganda, Gols Bloom, Gold Bloom, Ruddes,Calendula Flower, Pot Marigold.
Habitat: Cultivated in gardens in India
Family Name: Asterceae

Parts Used: Flowers, Petals, Leaves and Roots.

Medicinal Uses:
  • Marigold is useful in stomach upsets, ulcers, menstrual problems, eye infections, inflammations and wound healing.
  • The plant is antiseptic. Its flower, when rubbed on the affected part, relieves pain and swelling caused by a wasp or bee.
  • The flowers are also used to make a lotion for sprains and wounds.
  • The water distilled from marigold flowers is good for sore eyes, while the infusion of fresh flowers is beneficial in fever.
  • Marigold is used to treat alopecia, bladder and kidney problems, blood in the urine and uterine bleeding.
  • Bright yellow and orange flowers are used for making garlands and decorate religious places.
  • The leaves are used as a part of salads.
  • The plant is used for abdominal cramps and constipation.
  • Marigold is good for treating bedsores, chapped lips, leg ulcers, persistent ulcers, bruises and varicose veins.
  • It is used during aromatherapy, as a skin treatment.
  • Marigold cream treats hemorrhoids and infant bums to help fight diaper rash.
  • The flower is boiled to extract a yellow dye.
  • It serves as an excellent mouthwash after tooth extraction.
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