

Description :
Cardamom is an evergreen, perennial ginger-like plant, with thick rhizomes and erect stems, bearing pointed leaves. White flowers with a pink to violet striped lip are born in a loose spike in summers, followed by pale green to beige, 3-celled capsules or pods, containing 15-20 aromatic seeds. The small, brown-black sticky seeds are contained in three double rows, with about six seeds in each row. The seeds are pungent, warm and aromatic. Elettaria and Amomum are the two main genera of the ginger family that are named as forms of cardamom. Elettaria is commonly called cardamom, green cardamom, or true cardamom, whereas Amomum is commonly known as black cardamom, brown cardamom, Kravan, Java cardamom, Bengal cardamom, Siamese cardamom, white or red cardamom.

Plant Seed
Botanical Name: Elettaria Cardamomum
Marathi Name : Elachi
Tamil Name : Elam Ancha
Malayalam Name : Elatarri
Telugu Name : Elaki
Kannada Name : Elakki
Urdu Name : Elaichi
Sanskrit Name : Trutih
Common Name: Cardamon, Malabar Cardamom, Elachi
Species: Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton
Arabic Name : Haal, Habb al-haal, Qaaqulla Sagheer, Khayr Buwwa
French Name : Amome Vrai, Cardamome
German Name : Kardamom, Malabarcardamom
Persian Name : Heel Khurd, Haal
Sinhala Name : Enasal, Ensal
Greek Name :   Kardamo
Hungarian Name : Kardamom, Kis kardamom, Malabári kardamom
Italian Name : Cardamone, Cardamomo, Cardamomo medio
Dutch Name : Echte kardamom , Kardemom
Japanese Name : Karadamomo,Karudamon,houzuku
Norwegian Name : Kardemomme
Russian Name :  Elettariia kardamon
Serbian Name :  Grbat,  Kakule, Kardamona, Kardamomi, Mirisavci, Srdiš, Srđiš
Thai Name : Luk krawan  (Luk kravan, Luk grawan), Krawan thet
Turkish Name: Hemame, Kakule, Hiyl, Küçük kakule
Family: Zingiberaceae
Genus: Elettaria Maton

Parts Used: Seed
Medicinal Uses:
  • Cardamom is used internally for indigestion, nausea, vomiting and pulmonary disease with copious phlegm.
  • It can be used with a laxative to prevent stomach pain, griping, as well as flatulence.
  • Cardamom seeds are chewed to sweeten the breath and to detoxify caffeine, in people taking excessive amounts of coffee. They are also used as a spice in cooking and as a flavoring in other medicines.
  • The oil made from cardamom seeds is very good for digestive system. It functions as a laxative and soothes colic, wind, dyspepsia and nausea.  It also works to warm the stomach and helps with heart burn.
  • In South Asia, green cardamom is extensively used to treat infections in teeth and gums. It is also used to prevent throat troubles, congestion of the lungs, pulmonary tuberculosis and inflammation of eyelids.
  • Cardamom is also brought in used to kidney stones and gall stones.
  • The culinary uses of cardamom are enormous, notably in India. In a variety of dishes, the seeds are bruised and fried before the main ingredients. In Scandinavia, cardamom is often used in baking dishes.
  • Cardamom species, in a different genus Amomum, are used to make traditional Indian medicines.
  • Among the other species and varieties of cardamom, Amomum villosum is used in making some traditional Chinese medicine, which can treat stomachaches, constipation, dysentery, and other digestion problems.
  • Tskao’, a variety of cardamom cultivated in Yunnan and China, is used for both medicinal purposes and a spice.
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1 comment:

  1. Cardamom have many healing properties. We always love to have cardamom tea
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