
Indian Mulberry

Description  :
Indian mulberry, which is commonly known as Noni, is a bush that is mostly found in the tropical regions of the world, such as Hawaii and also in some parts of India. In India, the powdered extracts from roots, leaves and fruit of the plant have been traditionally used as a sedative and for many other medicinal purposes. The plant can grow up to 9 m tall, and has large, simple, dark green, shiny and deeply veined leaves.
                                 Organic Plant
Botanical Name: Morinda pubescens 
Hindi Name: Aal
Common Name: Indian Mulberry, Morinda tree
Marathi Name: Aseti,Dhaula
Tamil Name: Mannanunai, Mannanatti
Malayalam Name: Mannappavitta 
Telugu Name: Maddi
Kannada Name: Haladipavette, Maddi
Oriya Name: Achu, Pindra
Urdu Name: Togar mughalai
Sanskrit Name: Paphanah
Malay Name :Bengkudu laki-laki
French Name :Bois douleur
German Name :Indischer Maulbeerbaum,Noni-Baum
Portuguese Name :Pain killer tree, Pau-azeitona
Vietnamese Name :Trái nhàu
Burmese Name :Yaiyae
Sinhalese Name :Yhugaha
Thai Name :Yor,Yo banand
Spanish Name :Mora de la India

Nepalese Name :Hardikath
Family: Ruiaceae

Part Used : Whole Plant

Medicinal Uses:
  • Indian mulberry is used for treating a number of ailments, such as joint pains, immune problems, pain relief, cellular regeneration, and more.
  • Its fruit contains a number of enzymes (proteins) and alkaloids that are believed to play a pivotal role in promoting good health.
  • Some recent studies conducted on Indian mulberry have suggested that it is capable of inhibiting the formation and growth of cancer cells. It activates the immune system of the body and has shown promise in helping combat leukemia, which is induced by retrovirus infection.
  • Some preliminary researches have suggested that the herb may possess an ability to take back the cancerous cells to a non-cancerous state.
  • The fruits from the plant are edible and consumed orally in some places. However, they don’t have a nice taste or smell. The fruits are eaten as famine foods, thought they are a staple food of choice, in raw or cooked form, in places such as Samoa and Fiji.
  • The bark of Indian mulberry plant produces a reddish-purple and brown colored dye, which is used in making batik. The tree is extensively grown for the purpose of obtaining dye in Java.
  • In Hawaii, a yellowish dye was extracted from the roots of the plant, which was used to dye cloth.
  • Various parts Indian mulberry are used for medicinal purposes, such as containing fever, and also as a tonic. Eye problems, skin wounds, gum and throat problems, respiratory problems, constipation, stomach pains and post delivery pains are treated using its leaves, flowers, fruit and bark.
  • Heated leaves of the plant are applied to the chest, in order to relieve coughs, nausea and colic.
  • The juice of the leaves from Indian mulberry is brought in use to treat asthma in Philippines.

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