
Ativisha / Atis

Ativisha Aconitum heterophyllum or Indian Atees is a specific Ayurveda herb which even being a part of poisonous group of herbs; it is very safe to use.
It is the drug of choice for all pediatric health problems. Ativisha works on the digestive system and corrects the metabolism. Ativisha is said to be the best Ayurveda herb for improving appetite, digestion, assimilation and harmonizing all the three Doshas.
Indian Fruit
Botanical Name: Aconitum heterophyllum 
English Name: Indian Ateech,Indian Aconite
Hindi Name: Ateech,Atis, Atvika
Sanskrit Name: Ativisha
Latin Name: Aconitum heterophyllum
Marathi Name: Ati Vish
Persian Name: Vajjcturki
Punjabi Name: Atis
Tamil Name:   Ati Vidayam
Telugu Name:  Ati Vasa
Bengali Name: Ataich
Gujarati Name: Ativakhani Kali
Kannada Name: Ati Visha
Malayalam Name: Ati Vidayam
Sanskirit Name :  Aruna, Ardra, Upavisa, Kasaya, Krsna

Part Used :Whole Plant

Medicinal Uses:
  • Ativisha has appetizing, digestive, astringent, anti haemorrhoidal and anthelmintic properties due to its bitter, pungent and Ushna properties.
  • Ativisha is useful in diarrhea and dysentery.
  • Ativisha is a blood purifier, haemostatic and anti-inflammatory drug because it alleviates Pitta.
  • Ativisha reduces phlegm and clears airways.
  • Ativisha purifies milk secretion because of its Katu property.
  • Ativisha is aphrodisiac due to Ushna property.
  • Ativisha is beneficial in impotency .

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on herbal remedies for digestive problems
