

Description :
An erect, annual herb grows up to 50 cm height. Leaves variously lobed, entire, leaves in lower part are petiolate, and upper sessile; flowers white small and found in recemes. Fruits obovate pods, about 5 mm long, with two seeds per pods.   

Scientific Name: Lepidium sativum
Common Name(s): gardencress pepperweed
Botanical Name : Lepidium Sativum
Common Name : Garden Cress, Pepper Grass
Sanskrit Name :Chandrasoora, Chandrika, Vasapushpa, 
English Name: Garden cress, Common cress
Hindi Name : Chanasura, Halima,Akalam, Candsur, Chansar,Halim Seeds
Malayalam Name : Aasali 
French Name :Cresson Alenois
Indonesian Name : Alim
Bengali Name : Drona, Chansur
Arabic Name : Farjir, Hurf, Half, Reschad, Habburrashad, Chansar, Habbar-rashad
Assamese Name : Halim sak
Kannada Name : Alavibija, Allibija, Alvi, Kurutige, Alli beeja
Malyalam Name :Asali
Marathi Name : Athaleeva, Ahliv, Ahliva, Ahaaleev, Asaaliya, Ahaliv
Persian Name : Turrah-tizkah, Haleh, Towdri, Tukhme-turrah-tezak
Tamil Name : Aliverai, Alivirai, Alivitai, Ali-virai, Alivittu, Kokila, Aali
Telgu Name : Adalvitulu, Adeli, Aditya, Adityalu, Adiyalu
Urdu Name :  Habb-ul-rashaad (haloon)
Family Name : Cruciferae
Uses :
1.Chandrashoor alleviates pain and inflammation of joints by local application.
2.Chandrashoor is an appetizer, carminative, diuretic and blood purifier.
3.Chandrashoor is also useful as an aphrodisiac, emmenagogue (i.e. stimulates blood flow in pelvis and uterus) and galactagogue (which improves lactation).
4.Chandrashoor possesses rejuvenating property which is helpful in post partum period.
5.Chandrashoor is also useful in gout.
6.Chandrashoor works well in gynecological problems specially dysmenorrhoea i.e. painful menstrual cycle.
7.Chandrashoor should be taken after giving birth to a baby. It benefits in all the health issues of after delivery period.
8.Chandrashoor powder is specially recommended for children. It will ensure proper growth.

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