

Description :
A perennial and woody undershrub grows up to 1.5 meters in height. Leaves simple, sinuate-toothed, upper ones small, lower ones are large, flowers are numerous, in axillary recemes with male flowers above and female below. Fruits capsule, 12 mm long, obovoid, seeds ellipsoid and smooth. 
                                Indian Root

Detail :

Botanical Name : Baliospermum montanum
Hindi Name : Dandi , danti, hakum, hakun, dante, dantt, jangli jamalghota
Common Name : Danti, Dantika, Rachani, Vishodhini, Lowly marketing nut
Malayalam Name : Nagadandi
Kannada Name :  danti, kaduharalu, dantika, kaadu haralu, naaga danti
Malayalam Name : danti, dantika, katalavanakku, nagadanti, nakadanti
Marathi Name : danti, buktumbo
Oriya Name :  dumajoda
Persian Name :  bedanjire khatai
Sanskrit Name:  anukheti, anukula, artagala, bhadra
Tamil Name : kattamanakku, nirettimuttu, nakatanti
Telugu Name : ettadundiga, kanakapata, kondamudamu
Tibetan Name: da nti, da-nti
Family : Euphorbiaceae

Part Used :Root

Medicinal Uses:
  • The paste of Danti roots and seeds is used in edema and pain.
  • Danti root paste is applied on painful edema and hemorrhoids.
  • Danti Seed oil is used for massage in Vata disorders.
  • Being an appetizer, liver stimulant, cholagogue and laxative, Danti is used in anorexia, hemorrhoids and helminthiasis.
  • Danti is a blood purifier. It reduces edema by its eliminative action.
  • Danti is useful for elimination of Doshas in jaundice.
  • Decoction of the DFanti leaves is used in dyspnoea and calculi.
  • As Danti is diaphoretic, it cures skin disorders by eliminating Doshas
  • Danti is useful in fever with constipation.
  • Danti cause griping pain in abdomen and nausea. So aromatic drugs like dry ginger, fennel etc. should be used along with it. 
  • Danti Moll powder should be taken if a fellow is having constipated bowel for a longer period.
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