

Found throughout tropical Asia, Africa, Australia and America. An abundant weed in dry places and wastelands, from the seashore to 2,100 m high.  
It is an annual or perennial herb. Stem erect, 0.5-2.0m in high, base woody, angular or ribbed, simple or branched, often tinged with pink colour; nodes bulged. Leaves opposite, petiolate, ovate-elliptic-obovate-rounded, in various sizes, apex usually rounded, finely or softly pubescent on both sides. Flowers are in an auxiliary or terminal spikes, which is more than 50 cm in long, greenish white, bracteate and bracteolate. Perianth lobes 4-6, glabrous, shining, ovate-oblong and pointed. Stamens 5 in number, staminodes are truncate, fimbriate, ovary oblong, sub-compressed and ovule solitary. Fruit easily disarticulate, oblong or ovoid and utricle. Seeds inverse, testa coriaceous, embryo annular and surrounded by floury albumin. 

                              Natural Seed
Botanical Name : Achyranthes aspera
English Name :  Prickly-Chaff Flower 
Hindi Name: Chirchira, Latjira, Onga                    
Sanskrit name : Apamarga , Latjira,Aghata; Khara-manjari
Latin name: Achyranthes aspera 
Bengali Name : Apang
Gujarati Name : Safed Aghedo, Anghadi, Andhedi, Agado
Kannada Name : Uttaranee
Malayalam Name : Kadaladi, Katalati
Marathi Name : Aghada, Pandhara-aghada
Punjabi Name : Kutri
Tamil Name: Nayuruvi, Shiru-kadaladi
Telugu Name : Antisha, Apamargamu, Uttaraene 
Sinhala  Name : Karal heba
Indonesia Name : Jarong
Family: Amaranthaceae    

Part Used :Whole Plant

Medicinal Uses:
  • Apamarga is very useful in digestive system disorders. It ignites the digestive fire and helps in proper digestion of foods.
  • Apamarga alleviates nausea and vomiting.
  • Being a good source of potassium Apamarga also works well in heart problems also.
  • Apamarga is also useful in expelling the extra fats out of the body and maintaining it in healthy limits.
  • Thread medicated with the alkali prepared from Apamarga (Kshar Sutra) is tied to cut the hemorrhoids mass and fistula.
  • Apamarga is a very good wound cleanser and promotes proper healing of wounds.
  • Apamarga also benefits a lot in skin diseases.
  • Apamarga powder is best recommended for proper working of the digestive system and to prevent all the digestive issues specially affecting the ano rectal area like hemorrhoids and fistula.
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