
Home Remedies for Bed Wetting

Bedwetting is a common phenomenon among some small kids. The children who suffer from this disorder urinate during their sleep, wetting the bed. This happens without the knowledge of the child as they do not have any control over this. Bedwetting which is also called as Enuresis puts both child as well as the parent in an embarrassing position. Bedwetting disrupts the kid’s sleep as it wakes up when it feels the wetness in the cloths and bed sheets. The child feels uncomfortable and embarrassed when he knows the bedwetting habit.    

One hour before going to bed take six to eight oz. of cranberry juice.

Bedwetting can also be treated using herbs like Causticum, Lycopodium, Ursi, Corn Silk going.

Drink herbal tea made from herbs like Oakbark, Wormwood.

Retention control training - Practice retention control by postponing urination during the day, first by a few minutes and then by gradually increased amounts of time. This exercise will help strengthen the muscles that control urination and also increase the capacity of the bladder.

Avoid taking liquids before bedtime and make sure you empty the bladder before hitting the sack.

Eat parsley and cinnamon bark. Eat fresh and natural foods like leafy vegetables, brown rice and so on. To prevent bedwetting due to constipation eat a fiber rich diet. Eat diet rich in silica, magnesium and calcium. Some of the rich sources of these nutrients are milk, banana, sesame, and almonds.

During the day, let your children hold the urine for a long time. This will encourage bladder control.

Plenty of fluid in-take during the day and only small quantities when required at night.

Involve your child in daily activities like arranging bed, laundering the sheets.

Diapers should be used only till the age of four. At night times make children wear extra thick pairs of underwear to absorb the urine. Arrange a plastic cover on their bedding topped with 2 sets of sheets, with a rubber pad between them.

Before going to bed, get the child to empty his bladder to the maximum.

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