
Bhumi Amla

Bhumi amla is a small, erect, annual herb that grows 30–40 cm in height. It is indigenous to the rainforests of the Amazon and other tropical areas throughout the world, including the Bahamas, southern India, and China. P. niruri is quite prevalent in the Amazon and other wet rainforests, growing and spreading freely (much like a weed). 
It is bitter, astringent, cold, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective and useful in liver disorders, cough, asthma, jaundice and spleen disorders.
Whole Plant
Botanical Name :Phyllanthus Niruri
English Name: Chamber bitter
Hindi Name : Bhui aonla,Jaramla, Jangli amli
Latin name:  Phyllanthus niruri
Sanskrit Name: Bhumi amalaki,bahupatra
Indian Name: Jaramla Niruri
Manipuri Name :Chakpa heikru
Marathi Name :Bhuiavali
Tamil Name : Keelanelli, kizkaynelli
Malayalam Name : Kilanelli
Telugu Name : Nela usiri
Bengali Name :Bhui amla
Malay Name  :  Dukung anak, Kelek anak, Turi Hutan, Meniran
German Name : Weisse Blatt-Blume
French Name : Quinine créole
Japanese Name: Kidachi komi kansou
Spanish Name :  Chanca piedra (Peru), Quinina criolla
Portuguese Name:  Quebrapedra

Parts Used: Whole plant

Medicinal Uses:
  • Paste of the Bhumyamalaki leaves is applied on wound, edema and dermatitis.
  • Paste prepared from Bhumyamalaki leaves crushed with salt is used in fractures for external application.
  • Bhumyamalaki is an appetizer, digestive, liver stimulant, laxative, carminative and alleviates thirst.
  • Bhumyamalaki is useful in diarrhea and dysentery.
  • It is useful in bleeding disorders. Bhumyamalaki whole plant powder + rice water is useful in menorrhagia, leucorrhoea, dysuria, diabetes, skin disease.
  • Bhumyamalaki also benefits in chronic malaria fever and hepatic splenomegaly.
  • Bhumyamalaki powder is also very useful in skin diseases as it nourishes the skin properly.
  • Bhumyamalaki powder should be taken with rice water to alleviate gynecological health problems specially leucorrhoea (white discharges from female reproductive organs); heavy bleeding during menstrual cycle.
  • Bhumyamalaki powder is also very beneficial in liver problems including hepatitis B.
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