
Acacia Gum / Babul Gum

Description :
Acacia, popularly known as babul, is a large tree, up to 14 meters high, with thorns on its branches. It has darkish grey bark and yellow flowers in spherical heads. Babul tree is indigenous to sind in Pakistan. It occurs wild in India and tropical Africa. It is planted for its bark. The tree yields a gum, known as Babul Gum. The bark of babul tree contains tannin and gallic acid. The leaves and fruits of the tree also contain tannin and Gallic acid. Healing power and curative properties the leaves, the bark, the pods and the gum of the tree have medicinal virtues. The leaves and the bark are useful in arresting secretion or bleeding. The pods help remove catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes. The gum allays any irritation of the skin and soothes the inflamed membranes of the pharynx, alimentary canal and genito-urinary organs.  
Medicinal Gum

Botanical Name: Acacia arabica Willd
English Name: Babul bark, sant pods
Hindi Name: Babul, babur, banwal, kikar, boliya, bawal, babool, suliyo, bambul
Kannada Name : Gobli, karijali
Malayalam Name : Karuvelam
Marathi Name :  Babhal, babhul, babul, kala-babli, vedibabul
Persian Name : Akakia, khare-mughilan, mughilan, samghe arabi
Tamil Name : Karuvai, karuvel, karuvelam, vagai
Telugu Name : Nalla tumma
Urdu Name : Aqaqia,kikar,babul,mughilan, babool
Sanskrit Name: Babula
Common Name:Indian Gum Arabic, Babul
Czech Name  : Akácie arabská, Akácie nilská
Danish Name : Gummiakacie, Egyptisk akacie
Dutch Name  : Babul, Echte acacia, Gom-acacia
French Name : Acacia à gomme, Acacia du Nil, Acacia du Sénégal
German Name : Ägyptische Akazie, Ägyptischer Schotendorn
Greek Name  : Akakia i arabiki
Swedish Name : Bablah, Gummiakacia
Italian Name : Acacia arabica
Spanish Name : Acacia arábiga, Acacia de Egipto, Acacia gomifera
Portuguese Name: Acácia-egípcia
Sinhalese Name :  Baabulu  Katu kihiri
Hungarian Name : Egyiptomi akácia , Nemes akácia
Japanese Name: Arabia akashia,Arabia gomu modoki

Part Used : Gum

Medicinal Uses:
  • Being a blood purifier, haemostatic, vasoconstriction and healing property, Babool powder is sprinkled on burnt injuries and bleeds.
  • Decoction of Babool bark is used for Uttar Basti (enema through vagina) in leucorrhoea.
  • Babool is also used for tub bath in rectal prolapsed and for gargles in oral disorders.
  • Babool is useful in diarrhea, dysentery, Piles, helminthiasis, bleeding disorders, cough and urinary disorders.
  • In premature ejaculation, powder of raw legume + sugar is found useful.
  • Babool is recommended in fracture to fasten the union of fractured ends; and for proper healing of internal injuries.
  • Babool powder is recommended in diabetes to minimize diabetic complications.
  • Babool also works well in skin diseases.
  • Babool corrects the metabolism which makes it useful in maintaining a healthy body weight.
  • Babool is recommended in dental problems. 
  • Internal use of Babula is advised in treatment of skin diseases, diarrhea, premature ejaculation, piles and general debility. In Ayurveda the decoction of Babula bark is used for cleaning of old and infected wounds.
  • In burn injuries, use of Babula bark powder has been as it stimulates the healing process of burn injuries and controls the scar formation.
  • Babul bark finds its primary applications in oral & dental hygiene products, burn injuries and in skin diseases. Being an astringent, twigs of Babula have been used in India as natural toothbrushes in prevention of bleeding gums.
  • Used in printing, paint production, glue, cosmetics and various industrial applications, including viscosity control in inks and in textile industries.
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this informative information about Acacia Gum Powder with us. It's very helpful. Keep it up!
