
Jyotishmati / Malkangani

The seeds are acrid, alterative, antiinflammatory, aphrodisiac, appetiser, bitter, cardiotonic, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, emetic, emmenagogue, emmolient, expectorant, febrifuge, laxative, liver tonic, nervine, stimulant, stomachic and thermogenic, and are used for stimulating the intellect and sharpening the memory. Also used to cure sores, ulcers, joint pains, rheumatism, gout and paralysis. 
The oil is recommended externally in the treatment of rheumatism, gout, paralysis, non healing wounds, ulcers, leprosy and leucoderma. Also useful in neurasthenia, hemiplegia, sciatica, arthritis and lumbago. As a stimulant, it is applied on penis on erectile failure.
Plant Flakes
Botanical Name: Celastrus paniculatus
English Name : Climbing-Staff Tree, Intellect Tree, Black-oil Tree
Hindi Name : Malkangani, Malkamni, Malkakni
Malayalam Name: Cherupunna, Kiliteenipanji, Valuzhavam
Chinese Name : Peng
Gujarati Name : Malkangani
Kannada Name: Doddaganugae, Gangunge beeja, Gangunge humpu
Latin Name : Celastrus paniculatus Willd
Marathi Name : Malkangoni
Persian Name : Malkangni
Punjabi Name : Malkangoni
Sanskrit Name : Kanguni, Katabhi, Jyotishka, Jyotishmati
Urdu Name : Malkangani

Part Used :Pods,Flakes,Fruits

Medicinal Uses:
  • Massage with Jyotishmati oil pacifies the Vata Dosha and calms down the paiful sensations. Because of these properties, it is used in paralysis, backache, Bell’s palsy, arthritis and sciatica. 
  • Jyotishmati is also useful in adenitis. Cervical lymphadenopthy, tuberculosis, adenitis because of Ushna Virya.
  • Being an appetizer by Katu Tikta and Ushna Guna, Jyotishmati is used in loss of appetite. Snigdha and Ushna Gunas improve peristalsis and are therefore useful in overcoming constipation and abdominal distension (flatulence)
  • Ushna Guna stimulates heart, improves cardiac output; therefore useful in bradycardia and edema. Jyotishmati oil is useful in beriberi and osteoarthritis.
  • Jyotishmati oil is used for Nasya by its property of Katu, Ushna, Kapha pacifying and brain cleansing. It is also useful in asthma and bronchitis.
  • Jyotishmati improves memory by medhya Guna. Ushna property enhances grasping power. Cow’s ghee and Jyotishmati oil mixture is used as a memory enhancer.
  • Morphine addiction can be counteracted by daily consumption of 60 ml. of leaf juice of Jyotishmati or 10 gm of powder in divided dose.
  • By increasing the renal circulation due to Ushna Jyotishmati acts as a diuretic. Therefore it is used in dysuria.
  • Diaphoretic and cures skin disorders. It is used as antipruritic.
  • By Katu and Tikta property which is amapachak and diaphoretic, it is used as antipyretic. Within 2-3hrs. It reduces fever by inducing sweating.
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