
Gotu Kola / Mandukaparni

Description :
Gotu kola is a perennial plant native to India and other tropical countries. Its appearance changes, depending on growing conditions. In shallow water, the plant puts forth floating roots and the leaves rest on top of the water. In dry locations, it puts out numerous small roots and the leaves are small and thin. The stems of the plant are slender, with creeping stolons, interconnecting one plant to the other. The rootstock consists of rhizomes, which grow vertically downwards. The rhizomes have a cream color and are covered with root hair. The flowers of the plant range from pinkish to red in color.
Botanical Name: Centella Asiatica
English Name : Indian pennywort
Hindi Name    : Brahmamandooki, Bemgsag
Popular Name : Indian Pennywort, Artayniya-e Hindi, Jal Brahmi
Latin Name     : Centella asiatica , Hydrocotyle asiatica 
Indian Name :Mandukaparni, Mandukig, Brahma-manduki, Khulakhudi
Malayalam Name : Muthil, Kudangal
Italian Name : Erba delle tigri, Idrocotile, Scodella d'acqua
Japanese Name: Tsubo kusa
Assamese Name : Aghinya, Bor-mani-muni,Manimuni
Chinese Name: Ji xue cao,Lei gong cao,Lei gong gen, Lei gong teng
Danish Name :  Asiatisk centella
French Name :  Centelle asiatique, Écuelle d'eau, Fausse violette
German Name : Asiatischer Wassernabel, Indischer Wassernabel 
Korean Name :  병 풀
Madurese Name : Kos tekosan
Malagasy Name : Talapetraka
Malay  Name : Daun kaki kuda, Gagan-gagan, Pegaga, Pegagan, Kerok batok
Nepalese Name : Brahambuti,Braahamii,Ghodtaapre,Ghorataap,Kholca ghayn
Russian Name :   Готу кола   Gotu kola
Sinhalese Name : Gotukola,Heen gotukoda,Hin gotukola
Spanish Name : Centella asiática, Hierba de clavo, Sombrerito

Family: Appiaceae

Parts Used: Whole Plant

Medicinal Uses:
  • Gotu kola is used in treatment of leprosy and known to ameliorate the symptoms of the disease and improve general health of the patient. There are several studies that have established the healing properties of the herb, explaining its traditional use in treating leprosy.
  • This herb is a mild adaptogen. It is also mildly anti-bacterial, anit-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcerogenic, anxiolytic, a cerebral tonic, a stimulant that helps in circulation, a diuretic, nervine and Vulnerary.
  • When eaten in raw form, as a salad leaf, it helps maintain youthfulness. A decoction of juice from the leaves is believed to relive hypertension.
  • Open sores can be effectively treated by a poultice of the leaves of Gotu kola.
  • The herb works as a brain tonic and stimulates hair growth. It also revitalizes the brain and the nervous system, besides increasing attention span and concentration.
  • It possesses anti-oxidant properties, works for venous insufficiency and is also used in Thailand for detoxifying opium.
  • When the root of the herb is ingested with milk and liquorices, it is very effective in arresting dysentery.
  • The leaves of gotu kola can be used to treat all types of fevers. Pepper, ocimum sanctum and the leaves of the plant are to be grinded and consumed twice a day, for the purpose.
  • In India, the herb is extensively used for its therapeutic properties for improving memory.
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