
Neem Leaf

We are specialized in offering a quality range of Neem Leaves (Azadirachta Indica Leaves) that is used for curing number of diseases. These leaves are perfect for well being of the human beings. The Neem Leaves that we offer finds applications in many industries including pharmaceuticals. Besides, these leaves are suitable for removal of toxins from body. Also, Neem Leaves that we manufacture are known for treatment of pimples, blemishes, eczema and psoriasis.  
                             Medicinal Plant
Details :
Botnaical Name: Azadirachta Indica
English Name : Indian Lilac, Margosa Tree, Neem Tree
Sanskrit Name : Nimba, Arishta
Hindi Name : Nim, Nimb,Neem
Latin Name :  Azadirachita Indica
Arabic Name : Azâdirakht, Margosa,Nim , Shagarah hhurrah, Sherish,Zanzalakht
Assamese Name : Mahaneem,Neem,Nim,Nimgos
Bengali Name : Bim,Nim,Nimgach,Nim pātā
Burmese Name :Tamaka, Tamar
Chinese Name : Lian shu,Ku lian,Lian zao zi,Yin du lian shu
French Name :Azadirachta de l'Inde, Huile de neem, Lilas du Japon
German Name: Niembaum, Nimbaum
Gujrati Name : Dhanujhada, Limba, Limbo
Italian Name : Albero dei paternostri, Albero della pazienza, Azadarac, Lilacco delle Indie, Sicomoro alato
Kannada Name : Bevinmar, ಬೇವು  Bevu, Turakabevu
Malay Name : Mambu, Mind, Sadu
Spanish Name :  Paraiso
Thai Name : Cha-tang, Khwinin,  Sadao,  Sadao India
VietNamese Name : Sàu-dàu
Sinhalese Name : Kohomba
Persian Name : Azad dirakht
Turkish Name : Azadiraht, Tesbih ağaçı , Zehri zemin
Malyalam Name :Arya veppu, Ariyaveppu,Veppu

Family : Meliaceae

Part Used: Leaves,Fruit(Nibori),Bark,Neem Seed(Magaj)

Medicinal Uses :
Leaves : Effective in intestinal helminthiasis, act as an insect repellent.
Fruit : Tonic, anti-periodic, purgative, emollient, It is beneficial in urinary diseases and piles.
Gum : Strimulant, demulcent and useful in catarrhal

Other uses :

  • It has anti-inflammatory,anti-pyretic,anti-fungal,anti-bacterial,anti-protozoal and anti-tubercular activities .
  • It is used in  various healthcare product for blood purification blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis and rheumatism.
  • It is used to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Dental disease like gingivitis, gum disease, tooth decay etc.
  • Respiratory diseases like bronchitis and cough.
  • Heart diseases, stroke, reduces blood pressure and cholesterol and prevents blood clots.
  • Leucorrhoea & amenorrhoea.
  • Aarthritic & rhuematic pains, inflammations & swellings.
  • Skin related infections like acne, eczema, psoriasis, scabies, herpes, athlete's foot etc.
  • Fevers of multiple origins including malaria.
Benefits Of Azadirachta Indica Leaves

1 . It works as an anti inflammatory and pain relieving agent
2 . It is used in skin disorders, intestinal worms, tumour, ulcer, etc.
3 . It has given very good results in diseases like gonorrhea and syphilis

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