

Description :
Amruthvalli / Guduchi, is a tall climbing shrub which is known to pocess a number of wonderful therapeutic values through its use. This medicinal herb is a health rejuvenator which is widely known for its effectivity in enhancing natural immunity to fight against a number of illnesses such as fever, jaundice, skin diseases, constipation, tuberculosis, and leprosy. It is a blood purifier and general debility enhancer.
Organic Fruit
Botanical Name :Tinospora cordifolia  
English Name  :Tinospora Gulancha / Indian tinospora
Hindi Name :Giloya, Guduchi
Indian Name : Guduchi
Sanskrit Name :Amruta
Bengali Name :Gulancha/palo
Tamil Name :Shindilakodi
Kannada Name :Amrita balli
Malayalam Name: ambrithu
Panjabi Name :gilo
Marathi Name :Gulavel 
Gujrati Name :Galo
Telgu Name :Tippaatig
Popular Name: Gulanshe Tinospara, Gulancha Tinospara, Tinospara, Giloy

Part Used : Fruit

Medicinal Uses:
  • All parts of guduchi plant are used for various medicinal purposes.
  • The plant oil is effective in reducing pain and edema and in gout and skin diseases.
  • The herb accords longevity, enhances memory, improves health, and bestows youth, betters complexion, voice, energy and luster of the skin. 
  • It is helpful in treating digestive ailments such as hyperacidity, colitis, worm infestations, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, excessive thirst, and vomiting and even liver disorders like hepatitis.
  • Fresh juice of guduchi, when mixed with rock candy, speeds up the recovery in hepatitis patients.
  • It helps in remedying ailments like raktapitta, anemia, cardiac debility, diabetes, sexual debility and splenic disorders.
  • The starch of the plant serves as a household remedy for chronic fever, relieves burning sensation and increases energy and appetite.
  • The decoction of guduchi, mixed with nimba and vasa, eases the itching and oozing.
  • It benefits general weakness, dyspepsia, impotency, dysentery, secondary syphilis, tuberculosis, jaundice, constipation, leprosy, general debility, cutaneous rashes and condylomata.
  • Guduchi helps in getting rid of renal caliculi and reduces blood urea level.
  • The decoction of guduchi and sunthi is a good combination for treating gout and rheumatic disorders.
  • Guduchi juice, when taken with cow’s milk or lodhra, is effective in combating leucorrhea.
  • The juice is mixed with cumin seeds and consumed to reduce the burning sensation caused due to pitta.
  • The root of guduchi is a strong emetic and used for bowel obstruction.
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  1. Guduchi is a Natural Remedy and it is also used for various purposes. It supports the body’s ability to cope with stress.

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