

Description :
This is a small annual erect plant. The stem is leafy and hairy. The leaves are lanceolate, acute and serrate, pubescent on both the sides.
The lowering season is December to February. The flowers are purpleor violet bract one at the top of the peducle. The seeds are black.
Also Seed contains a resin,an alkaloid known as vernonine,an oil and ash amounting to 8 p.c of the dry material. 
Externally the seeds are used in slin diseases in a variety of forms such as paste,oil.Etc.It is used for flatulence and cough.

Botanical Name: Centratherum anthelmintica
English Name : Purple Fleabane
Hindi Name : Sahdevi, Sadodi
Sindhi Name: Kari geeri
Urdu Name: Kali ziri, Zira dashti
Kannada Name : Kadujirige, kalajirige, sahadevi, karijirige, kaadu-jirige
Malayalam Name : Kalajirakam, kattujirakam, puvankuruntala
Marathi Name : Kalajira, kalenjiri, kalijiri, karalye, ranachajire, kaalijeeri
Sanskrit Name : Ahadevi, Daudotpala,vanya jiraka, agnibija, aranyajiraka, aranyajirakah, atavijiraka
Tamil Name : Kattuchiragam, neychitti, nirnochi, sittilai, kattusiragam, nir nochi
Telugu Name : Adavijilakatta, garitikamma, nelavavili, vishakantakamulu
Bengali Name : Somraj, kaliziri, hakuch, bakshie, bapchie, babchi
Gujarati Name : Kali jiri
Arabic Name :Kamoonbarry, Kali ziri
Urdu Name :Prickly chaff flower

Family: Compositae / Asteaceae

Part Used: Flakes

Medicinal Uses :

Plant : Considered diaphoretic, its decoction is used to promote perspiration in febrile condition, remedy for spasm of bladder and stranguryJuice of plant is given in piles.
Root : Given for dropsy, juice for cough and colic.
Leaves : Fresh juice in amoebiasis, poultice in herpes, eczema, ringworm, and extraction for guinea worms, with oil in treatment of elephantiasis.
Flower : Administered for conjunctivitis, fever and rheumatism
Seed : Paste with lime juice for destroying pediculi, given in cough, flatulence, intestinal colic, dysuria and leucoderma, psoriasis, and other chronic skin diseases, it is also used as anthelmintic, alexipharmic, and as a constituent of masalas for horses. Effective against round worm and thread worm.


  1. All though who have consumed kalijiri m, whom I know, have been suffering from allergy from consumption of milk and milk products as well as ginger, maize .Probably because the kalijiri destroys the useful bacterial flora and fauna available in intestine which are helpful in digestion of above products or may be due to increase of absorption ability of intestine of foods which increase absorbed food content in blood which ultimately flows off through skin resulting in allergy.
