

Description : Shilajit herb has become a phenomenon worldwide. This natural herb is actually a mixture of various herbo-mineral components that got buried in earth centuries ago. Reference of Shilajit can be traced in so many ancient ayurvedic texts even dating back to 3000 BC.
At that moment of time people used to take Shilajit as a general health rejuvenator. It is mentioned as Rasyana in Charak Samhita as well as in Shrangdhar Samhita that are the most preferred health books of Ayurveda. Shilajit has also been extremely famous as a natural aphrodisiac agent. This herb has been an instant hit when it got introduced to the western world in the year 1890.

Shilajit herb also spelled as Shilajeet is a blackish-brown herb having a gummy texture. This gummy substance is found in high Himalayan mountain ranges where it oozes out from the small rock cracks. It is commonly found in countries like India, Pakistan, Nepal, Tibet as well as China. It is assumed to be an exudate of a herb botanically known as Styrax Officinalis along with certain other herbs and various microbes. Shilajit is a mixture of various organic substances and plants along with microbes that happen to be present in the rhizosphere layer of the rocks.:-

Details :
Botanical Name: Bitumen Mineral
French Name : Asphalte
English Name  : Asphalt, Mineral Pitch, Jew's Pitch
Hindi Name    : Silajita, Ral-yahudi,Shilajit
Latin Name    : Asphaltum
Russian Name  : Mummio, Mumie
Persian Name  :  Momiai Faqurual Yahud
Arabic Name   : Hajar-ul-Musa
Sanskrit Name : Shilajit, Silajit, Silaras, Shilajeet
Bengali Name  : Silajatu
Tamil Name    : Perangyum, Uerangyum
Gujarati Name : Silajita
Bengali Name : Silajatu
Tamil Name : Uerangyum
Russian Name : Mummio, Mumie
Sanskrit Name: Shilajit, Silajit, Silaras

Uses :
Indication of Shilajit on Cardiovascular 
  • Anemia
  • Vitiation of blood balance and its circulation
  • Helps in Reducing blood sugar levels

Indication of Shilajit in Skin

  • Parasitic diseases related to skin
  • Various Skin related diseases
  • Leprosy and Psoriasis

Indication of Shilajit in Endocrinology, Reproductive System, Obstetrics/Gynaecology, Prostate 

  • Sexual debility and weakness
  • Sexual vitality problems
  • Infertility issues of males and females
  • Menstrual disorders in females
  • Post-partum health issues 
  • Thyroid dysfunction


  • Digestive troubles
  • Vomiting
  • Piles or Hemorrhoids
  • Parasitic Infestation

Hematology, Lymphatic, Cancer 

  • Dropsy
  • Spleen enlargement


Immunology, aids, infectious diseases 

  • Weakness 
  • Debility 
  • Comsumption
  • Immunomodulater 
  • AIDS

Indication of Shilajit in Liver and Gall-bladder 

  • Jaundice
  • Hepatitis
  • Indigestion
  • Gall stones and its obstruction
  • Obstinate abdominal diseases including ascites

 Neurology, Psychiatry 

  • Nervous diseases
  • Parkinsons disease
  • Stress management
  • Epilepsy attacks
  • Insanity problems
  • Schizophrenia

Respiratory (lower and upper respiratory tract including ears, nose, throat, sinuses) 

  • Dyspnoea
  • Chronic bronchitis problem
  • Asthma attack
  • Mouth related disorders 

Obesity / Overweight issues/ Breathlessness

Rheumatological, orthopedic, muscles, contusions

  • Fractures and broken bones
  • Arthritis and joint pains
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Osteopenia
  • Spondylosis of cervical as well as lumbar region
  • Bodybuilding (Muscular hypertrophy)

Urinary tract system (kidney, ureter, bladder) 

  • Obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes Incipetus
  • Glycosuria
  • Lithuria
  • Frequent urination caused by a stone in prostate area
  • Spermoruia or sperm out flow through urine
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Kidney stones
  • Cystitis
  • Dysuria i.e. difficulty in urination
  • Chronic urinary tract problems 
  • Urinary tract infections 
  • Burning urination
  • Wonderful Uterine Tonic 
  • One of the best Kidney Toner

Other Uses:

  • It enhances the properties of other herbs as well as medicines. It acts as a catalytic agent thereby enhancing effects and actions of medications
  • Geriatric tonic for senior citizen health
  • General tonic
  • Rejuvenating agent as it is a wonderful rasayana


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  2. It is a direct blessing from the gods

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  7. Original shilajit is a mineral pitch that oozes from layers of rocks in the mountain range. It's considered to be a panacea for many diseases and is also used as an aphrodisiac. Original shilajit acts as a rejuvenator and can be very helpful in restoring physical vitality. Original Shilajit It increases the power of mind, memory, and thought process and has been shown to have anti-aging properties Shilajit is a black-colored mineral that Comes in yellow and gold colors.kashmir shilajit

  8. Shilajit, also called mineral pitch, contains fulvic acid and many other minerals. Taking it as a powder or supplement may help boost brain function, slow the aging process, increase fertility, and more. Shilajit is the result of a long process of breaking down plant matter and minerals. best himalayan shilanjit resin brands in india

  9. Himalaya Shilajit is a natural substance that has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. Derived from the rocks of the Himalayan mountains, it is known for its numerous health benefits and rejuvenating properties. As someone who has always been interested in alternative forms of healing, I was intrigued when I first heard about Shilajit and its potential to improve overall well-being.

  10. Wow, Himalayan shilajit has so many benefits. I really like it..thanks.
