

This ayurvedic herb is found throughout india. It is a creeping and spreading perennial herb, with a stout root-stock and many erect or spreading branches. It grows up to 2 meters in length. The leaves of the plant are simple, broad, somewhat rough, thick and brittle.  the flowers are pink or red in color. The fruits are oval in shape, dull green or brownish in color and about the size of caraway bean.  punarnava is also known to possess properties to cure skin and soft tissue infections. It is also used in anemia cases, loss of appetite, jaundice, obesity and chronic but non-specific febrile conditions.
uses of herbal Root
Botanical Name :Boerhavia Diffusa
English Name : preading Hogweed, Horse Purslane,Pigweed
Indian Name: Punarnava
Hindi Name: Punarnava, Gadahpurna
Common Name:Spreading Hogweed
Tamil Name :Mukkarattai Keerai
Telugu Name :Attamamidi
Malayalam Name :Tavilama, Talutama
Kannada Name :Sanadika
Sanskrit Name :Punarnava, Sophaghni,Shothaghni, Varshabhu
Marathi Name : Tambadivasu
Bengali Name : Punurnava
Latin Name: Boerhaavia Diffusa Linn
Assamese Name :Pananua
Chinese Name : 黄细心 huang xi xin
French Name : Ipecacuanha de Cayenne
Konkani Name : punarnava
Malayalam Name : talutama, tavilama
Brazil Name: agarra-pinto, celidônia, pega-pinto
Spanish Name : hierba de cabro
Urdu Name : tukhm-i-ispast

Part Used : Root

Medicinal Uses:
  • Punarnava is mainly used to treat The diseases caused by accumulation of fluids (Oedematous conditions) in the body.
  • It is also used in the treatment of anemia, toxicity, indigestion, cough, urinary tract diseases and liver disorders. 
  • It has been identified to act as a diuretic, anti inflammatory and hepatoprotective agent. Seeds have anabolic effect.
  • Punarnava is also a good Rasayana so useful in  Aamavata.
  • Punarnava Root is anticonvulsant, analgesic, expectorant, CNS depressant, laxative, diuretic, abortifacient.
  • Punarnava has been reported to increase serum protein level and reduce urinary protein extraction in clinical trials in patients suffering with nephrotic syndrome.
  • Punarnava is used for local application in the form of poultice or fermentation in oedema.
  • Punarnava leaf juice is used in the eyes for topical application.
  • Punarnava act as diuretic in dysuria.
  • Punarnava roots rubbed in honey are locally applied for cataract, chronic conjunctivitis, blepharitis.
  • Punarnava useful in reducing swelling and foul smelling in skin disorders.
  • Punarnava is useful in heart disease, anemia, oedema.
  • Punarnava leaves vegetable is consumed to reduce oedema.
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1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir/Madam, please tell me the price at which you purchase the roots. I want to supply it
