

Operculina Turpethum or Nisoth is commonly used medicinal herb. The main part of plant that is used as medicine is its root. The plant has laxative property and thus effective in curing constipation, relieving flatulence and colic condition.It is also useful in periodic fevers as it helps in reducing body temperature. it is also effective in obesity because it decreases the excessive body fat. It is also used in the treatment of anaemia in the combination with other herbs. This herb is used for the treatment of many other diseases like arthritis, dropsy, gout, jaundice. 
Plant bark
Botanical Name : Operculina Turpethum
English Name : Turpeth Root, Indian Jalap

Indian Name : Nishoth lakdi/ Pitohari
Hindi Name : Nisot, Nisoth, Nishoth, Pithori
Arabic Name : Turbud
Bengali Name : Teudi, Tvuri
Chinese Name : Fan shu
French Name : Turbith Vegetal
German Name : Indische Jalape, Turpethwurzel
Gujarati Name : Nasottar
Kannada Name : Vili Tigade
Latin name : Ipomoea turpethum R. Br.
Marathi Name : Shetvad, Nishotar, Tend
Persian Name : Turbud
Punjabi Name : Chitabansa, Nisoth
Sanskrit Name : Kalaparni, Nishotra, Triputa, Trivruth
Urdu Name : Turbud Safed, Nisoth
Family: Convolvulaceae

Part Used: Root

Medicinal Uses:
  • It is used in periodic fevers.
  • In the treatment of anaemia accompanied by splenomegaly, it is used along with other therapy.
  • It is also used to relieve flatulence and colic. In the treatment of obesity. 
  • Nishotha has cleansing and purgative actions. It is the best drug for mild laxation.
  • Useful as purgative in many diseases viz. chronic flatulence, constipation, hemorrhoids, jaundice, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, cough, asthma and edema.
  • Nishotha is used for purgation in skin disorders caused due to Kapha and Pitta, erysipelas, spleen enlargement.
  • Nishotha eliminates watery excreta out of the body, thus reducing edema. It is used as a purgative in hemorrhagic disorders in various forms.
  • Because of its laxative property; Nishotha is quite useful in unsatisfactory bowel movements.
  • Nishotha helps a lot in liver diseases and maintains the cholesterol levels in healthy limits.
  • Nishotha works well in diabetic conditions also.
  • Nishotha might induce abortion so it is contraindicated in pregnancy.
  • Nishotha helps in expelling out the unwanted fluids from the body.
  • As Nishotha ensures proper cleansing of bowel and nourishes the liver; it is very useful in hemorrhoids and other rectal health issues.
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