
Puwar Seed

An annual foetid herb, with a height of 30 to 90 cm, Cassia Tora is mainly found in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, in India. It has pinnate leaves, which are about 10 cm long. Each leaf has three pairs of leaflets that are opposite, ovate, oblong and oblique at the base. The yellow-colored flowers are bearded in the axel of the leaves. The flowers comprises of five petals, each about half inch in diameter. 
                              Plant Seed

Botanical Name: Cassia Tora
English Name- Ring Worm Plant
IndianName: hakunda,Puwar,Takala,Chakramandrakam,Kawaria,Dadmari,Sickle Pod, Coffee Pod, Tovara, Chakvad 
Latin Name: Foetid Cassia
Assamese Name : Bon medelua, Dari diga, Medeluwa
Bengali Name : Panevar, Chakunda
Hindi Name : Panwar, Chakunda, Chakvat ,Chirota,Cheetrota
Kannada Name : Sogata
Malayalam Name : Sakramardakam
Manipuri Name : Thaunum namthibi
Marathi Name : Takla, Tankala
Mizo Name : Kelbe-on
Oriya Name : chakunda
Tamil Name : Senavu
Thai Name: Chumhet thai
Nepalese Name : Cakamake, Cakramandi, Carkor, Taper, Tapre
Spanish Name : Bicho, Brusca cimarrona, Ororuz
Chinese Name : Xiao jue ming
French Name : Cassier sauvage, Pois puant, Séné
Urdu Name : Panwar, Panevar, Tarota
Family: Fabaceae

Parts Used: Seeds

Medicinal Uses:
  • Cassia Tora is used as a coffee substitute and has a maturing and anodyne action.
  • Useful in treating skin diseases like ring worm and itch and psoriasis.
  • The alcoholic or vinegar maceration of pounded fresh leaves is used externally to treat eczema and dermatomycosis.
  • Decoction of the fruit of Cassia Tora is used in the treatment of fever.
  • Since the herb acts as a kapha and vata dosha suppressant, it acts as a nerve tonic.
  • It is consumed in worm infestation and cures the infection occurring in the body.
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