
Lodh Bark

Lodhra Symplocos racemosa is among the best Ayurveda herbs to alleviate all the health issues of females. It is recommended for gynecological problems especially in frequent abortion.  
Lodhra nourishes the skin and benefits in acne, wrinkles and other health issues related with skin; because of this Lodhra is an important ingredient of Ayurveda skin packs. Lodhra also possesses anti diabetic and liver protecting characteristics.
                                   Hebal bark

Botanical Name : Symplocos Racemosa
English Name :Lodh Bark,Symplocos bark
Indian Name : Lodh,Lodhar,Lodhra,Hura,Pathani
Arabic Name : Lodh
Assamese Name : Bhomroti, kaviang, kavirang
Bengali Name : Lodam, lodh
Garo Name : Bolimitap
Hindi  Name : Lodh, lodhra
Kannada Name : Baala doddigana mara, bala doddli, bala loddi, 
Manipuri  Name :Leiree
Marathi Name : Lodh, lodhra
Oriya  Name : Tilaka
Chinese Name : Zhu zi shu
Estonian Name :  Kobar-magusleht
Russian Name  :  Симплокос,Simplocos kististyi
Sanskrit Name : Aksibhaisajya, aksibhesaja, balabhadra, balipriya, 
Tamil  Name : Kacacankai, kalottiram, kaya vilai, 
Telugu  Name :Erra lodduga, erralodduga, lodduga
Tibetan  Name :Gsen phram, gsen phrom (p), sa ba ra
Urdu  Name : Lodh pathani, lodh pathani sayida, ludhpathani, 

Family: Symplocaceae

Part Used: Stem Bark

Medicinal Uses:
  • It is used in treatment of diarrhea, dysentery and liver disorders.
  • Bark of Lodhra is useful in bowel complaints such as diarrhoea, dysentry etc and also in dropsy, eye diseases, liver complaints, fever, ulcer, scorpion sting etc. 
  • In Bombay the bark is often employed in the preparation of plasters and is supposed to promote resolution of inflammatory masses.
  • In fever, dysentery and liver complaints, It is used in the form of compound decoction and infusion.
  • In bleeding gums and all, a paste composed of Lodhra bark, rasot, tubers of cyperus rotundus and honey is applied to the gums.
  • It is one of the constituent of a plaster used to promote maturation of boils and other malignant growth.

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