

Indian cherry is a small to moderate-sized deciduous tree with a short bole and spreading crown. The stem bark is greyish brown, smooth or longitudinally wrinkled. Flowers are short-stalked, bisexual and white in colour, appear in loose corymbose cymes.  the flowers open only at night. The fruit is a yellow or pinkish-yellow shining globose or ovoid drupe seated in a saucer-like enlarged calyx.  it turns black on ripening and the pulp gets viscid. Indian cherry grows in the sub-himalayan tract and outer ranges, ascending up to about 1500 m elevation. 
                               Dried Fruit
Details :
Botanical Name : Cordia Dichotoma
English Name: Indian Cherry,Sebesten Fruit
Hindi Name : Lasoda, Lasora
Arabic Name : Dabak, Atbaa’ al-kalba
Bengali Name : Bahubar, Bal-phal, Buro-bahuri 
French Name : Bois chik
German Name : Breitblättrige Cordie
Gujarati Name : Gunda, Bargund 
Kannada Name : Mannadikay, Doduchallu 
Kashmiri Name : Sapistan 
Latin name : Cordia latifolia Roxb.
Marathi Name : Shelvan, Bhokar 
Persian Name : Sapistaan
Sanskrit Name : Bahuvara, Selu
Urdu Name : Sapistan
Chinese Name: Feng zheng zi
Myanmar Name: Thanat
Indonesia Name: Kendal, nunang, toteolo
Thai Name: Phak mong, man muu, man dong
Common name :Gumberry, Labeda, Lasora,Vad gundo,Goborhut, Bahubara, Bird lime tree,Indian Cherry, Clammy Cherry
Family Name : Boraginaceae

Part used : Seeds, Leaves.

Medicinal Uses :

  • The seed kernel of c. Dichotoma contains a high proportion of fatty oils and proteins (46 and 31%, respectively) which has potential as cattle feed fuel.
  • The wood is used to make agricultural implements.
  • The bark is medicinal and several chemicals have been identified; allantoin, beta -sitosterol.
  • Immature gunda berries are used as a vegetable and to make pickles after removing the stone and sticky white pulp. The sticky pulp is used to make glue.
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