
Kuda Bark / Kutaja

Kutaja; Holarrhena antidysenterica as the botanical name suggests it is a herb of choice for Amoebic dysentery. Kutaja removes the amoeba from the body, which can cause the severe problems like Liver Abscess. 
Kutaja is also a herb of choice for natural cure of the chronic diarrhea and dysentery and maintains the normalcy of the digestive system.
Medicinal Bark
Botanical Name : Holarrhena Antidysenterica
Hindi Name : karva indrajau, kurchi,kutaja 
Common Name :Tillicherry bark, Conessi, Kuruchi, Kutaja, Kura, Kuda,Dhudi hat, Karchi, Kari, Karra, Karva-indarjou, Karvaindarjau, Kaura.
Assamese Name : dhulkari, dudkhuri 
Bengali Name : kurchi, kutaja 
Chinese Name : Zhi xie mu
Gujarati Name : drowda, kudakari 
Kannada Name : koodsaloo, korchie 
Konkani Name : kudo 
Malayalam Name : kutakappaala 
Marathi Name : indrajav, kodaga, kodaga pala, kutaja,paandhra kuda 
Oriya Name : kherwa, korwa, kurwa, pitakorwa 
Philippines Name : White Angel
Punjabi Name : keor, kewar 
Sanskrit Name : indrayava, kutaja, sakraparyaaya, sakraasana, vatsaka 
Tamil Name : kirimllikai,kutaca-p-palai, mlaimllikai 
Telugu Name : girimallika, kodisepala
Thai Name :  Mok luang, Mok yai
Japnanese Name : Konetsushi
German Name : Kurchirinde
Unani Name : Kura
Sinhalese Name : Kelidhal
Tibetan Name : Dug-mo-nun
French Name : Ecore-D'Codagapala
Family Name : Apocynaceae

Part Used : Bark, Leaves

Medicinal Uses :
  • Kutaja corrects the working of digestive system. 
  • It is specially recommended in diarrhea, dysentery and other mal-absorption disorders. 
  • Stem, Bark and indrayava (bitter seeds) of Kutaja are optimum for healing of ulcers. A decoction of these is used in ulcer treatment.
  • Kutaja is Vatashaman Deepan, inhibitor of inflammation (cures) loss of appetite, pitta sarak and parasiticidal.
  • Kutaja is Useful in diarrhea and dysentery.
  • As per new researches Kutaja is of great use in amoebiasis without the long term side effects.
  • Kutaja is useful in bleeding disorders.
  • Kutaja removes muscular weakness and tones up vaginal tissues after delivery. 
  • Due to its tissue healing properties, Kutaja is useful in weakness.

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