

This is a moderate-sized tree, with a short and pretty thick trunk. The wood is white, hard, and bitter. The leaves are opposite, oval, and smooth on both sides. Flowers small, greenish-white, funnel-shaped, and have a disagreeable odor. The fruit is a berry, round, and about the size of a large apple, enclosing five whitish seeds. 
       Herbal Seed
Botanical Name : Strychnos Nuxvomica
English Name :Nux-Vomica
Hindi Name : bailewa, chibbinge, jahar, kajra, kucchla, kuchla, nirmal
Indian Name : Kuchala beej,Itti beeja
Arabic Name : Izaragi, khanek-ul-kella, kuchla
Bengali Name : Kuchila
English  Name : Nux-vomica
Kannada Name : hemmushti, hemmusti, hemushti, ittangi
Malayalam  Name : Camram, cariram, kanhiram, kanjera
Marathi Name : Jharkhatchura, jharkhathchura, kaajraa, kajra
Oriya  Name : Vishatinduka
Persian  Name : Fuluzmahi, izaraki
Sanskrit Name : Akutaka, chipita, cutaka, dirghapatra
Tamil  Name : Akku, amaram, amati, amatikam, amatikamaram
Telugu  Name : Mooshtiganga, moostee, moostighenza, mucidi
Tibetan Name : Ba sa mu sta, ka-ka-nda, ko byi
Urdu  Name : Azaraqi (kuchla), burada kuchla mudabbir
French Name : Noix vomique
German Name : Brechnuss, Gemeinerbrech Nussbaum
Chinese Name : Ma qian zi
Danish Name : Braeknoed
Dutch Name : Braaknoot,Kraanoog
Italian Name : Noce vomica,Stricnina
Japanese Name : Machin
Portuguese Name :Noz-vómica
Spnish Name :   Nuez vómica
Common Name : Nux-vomica, Poison Nut, Snake-wood
Family Name : Loganiaceae 

Part Used: Seed,Bark

Medicinal Uses:
  • It is used in pruritis and as a local anodyne in inflammations of the external ear.
  • Leaves are applied as a poultice on sloughing wounds and ulcers. 
  • Used in the preparation of medicated product for the hair and scalp.
  • It improves the pulse and raises blood pressure and is of great value as a tonic to the circulatory system in cardiac failure.
  • It is used as a healing tonic and appetite stimulant.

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