
Kapur kachri

It is an annual perennial herb growing to 1. 5m by 0. 7m. It has a horizontal root- stock, and tuberous rootfibres, leaves are 30 cms or more in length. inflorescence is spiked. Flowers ascending and dense yellow coloured. It bears flowers in october.  the flowers are hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs). Capsule is globose. This species occurs in parts of western and central himalayas between an altitude range of 1000-2250 m. 
                           Herbal root
Botanical Name : Hedychium Spicatum,Curcuma zedoaria
English Name : Kaempferia ,zedoary
Hindi Name: Sandharlika, Kapur kachri
Indian name : Hedichium, Kapur Kachrihabitat,Karchura
Assamese Name : Katuri, Sati
Bengali Name : Shati, Kachri
Gujrati Name : Kapurkachri, Kapurkachali
Kannada Name : Goul Kachora, Seenakachora, Kachora
Kashmiri Name : Kapoorkachara
Malayalam Name : Katcholam, Katchooram
Marathi Name : Kapurakachari, Gablakachari
Oriya Name : Gandhasunthi
Punjabi Name : Kachur, Kachoor
Manipuri Name: Takhellei
Mandarin Name: Cao Guo Yao
Telugu Name:  kachuralu, Gandha Kachuralu
Tamil Name: Seemai Kichchili Kizhangu, Poolankizangu
Japanese Name: Sanna
Chinese Name : Cao guo yao,Cao guo yao
Sanskrit Name: Gandhapalashi, Gandha sathi, Sandharlika, Sathi, Gandhamulika
Family name : Zingiberaceae

Part Used: Roots/Powder

Medicinal Uses:
  • Used in nausea, bronchial asthama, halitosis and vomitting. Also useful in diminished apetite, hiccups, local inflamation etc.
  • Used in nausea, bronchial asthma, halitosis and vomiting. 
  • Useful in diminished appetite, hiccups, local inflammation etc.
  • Its rhizome is used for treatment of asthma and internal injury.
  • It is used in the treatment of indigestion and poor circulation due to thickening of the blood.
  • The root stalk is useful in local inflammations, nausea, asthma, bronchitis, hiccups and in pain.

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