
Kaunch Seed

Velvet bean is an annual, climbing shrub with long vines that can reach over 15 m. Leaves are trifoliate, gray-silky beneath; petioles are long and silky, 6-11 cm. Leaflets are membranous, terminal leaflets are smaller, lateral very unequal sided. Dark purple flowers (6 to 30) occur in drooping racemes. Fruits are curved, 4-6 seeded. The longitudinally ribbed pod, is densely covered with loose orange hairs which cause a severe itch if they come in contact with skin. The beans are shiny black or brown. It is found in tropical Africa, India and the Caribbean.
                                   benefit of seed

Botanical Name: Mucuna Pruriens
English Name: Cowhage, cow itch,Velvet bean
Hindi Name: Kiwach
Common Name: Velvet bean, Cowitch, Cowhage, Kapikachu, Nescafe
Marathi Name: Khaj-kuiri
Malayalam Name: Naicorna
Telugu Name: Pilliadugu
Kannada Name: Nayisonanguballi
Bengali Name: Akolchi
Dutch Name : Fluweelboon
Portuguese Name :  Cabeça-de-frade,Café incasa,Café listo
French Name :  Pois velu, Pois mascate
Tamil Name: Punaippidukkan
Chinese Name : Ci mao li dou, Chi huseh teng
German Name : Juckbohne, Juckfasel,Kratzbohnen, Kuhkratze
Arabic Name : Habbul Kulai
Urdu Name : Konch

Part Used : Seed

Medicinal Uses :
  • Plant mucuna pruriens as a foliage crop to fertilize and protect fallow fields.
  • Soak the beans and baby plant shoots for at least 48 hours before cooking, changing the soak water several times to remove the toxic compounds like levodopa.  it can be toxic if not treated and prepared properly. 
  • Feed the beans and seeds to multi-stomached animals such as cows for a protein and fiber rich food source.
  • The root of Mucuna Pruriens is used as a remedy in facial paralysis and nervous disorders.
  • The decoction of its roots purifies blood; cures rheumatism, asthma, cough and stone in the bladder; and improves vitality. It is also used for treating fevers, edema, and elephantiasis.
  • In Central America, the seeds of the plant were roasted and grounded to make coffee.
  • In Brazil, Mucuna Pruriens is still grown as a food crop by indigenous people in Guatemala. The seeds are used internally, for treating Parkinson's disease, edema, impotence, intestinal gas, and worms.
  • The plant is considered to posses the qualities of an aphrodisiac, nerve tonic and diuretic.
  • Mucuna Pruriens is also brought in external use. It is locally applied to ulcers.
  • The herb has a long history of being used in the Indian Ayurvedic medicine. It has been used for remedying worms, dysentery, diarrhea, snakebite, sexual debility, cough, tuberculosis, impotence, rheumatic disorders, muscular pain, sterility, gout, menstrual disorders, diabetes, and cancer.
  • It is used as an important forage, fallow, and green manure crop. As the plant belongs to the legume family, it is used for producing fertilizer and improving soil quality, with the help of nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
  • Mucuna Pruriens is an extensively-used fodder plant in the tropical countries. The whole plant is fed to the animals as silage, dried hay or dried seeds.
  • The seeds of the plant have been found to posses anti-depressant properties, on consumption.
  • The leaves of Mucuna Pruriens are dried and smoked sometimes.
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