

Bushy annual herb to 2 m high. Leaves kidney-shaped to circular, mostly 6–15 cm wide, both surfaces equally hairy, margins with shallow lobes; leaf stalk 9–14 cm long. Pod green and fleshy at first, drying to a black woody capsule. Seeds brown to black, 2 to each pod. 
                              Medicinal plant
Botanical Name: Martynia Annua 
English Name:Tiger's claw, Devil's Claw
Hindi Name: Hata Jori, Bichu Hathajori, Kawathodi,Kaakanaasikaa, Kaakaangi
Comman Name: Bag Lucha, Baghnakh, Baghnokh Dogri 
Gujarati Name: Vinchhoodo
Telugu Name: Garuda Mukku, Telukondi kaya ,Garudamukku, Telukondikaya
Marathi Name: Bhagnaka,
Punjabi Name: Kaktundi, Bichu, Hathajari,
Tamil Name: Thael kodukkukai, Kaakkaa mookuchedi
Sanskrit Name: Kakanasika,Kakangi, sirobal, Cerasnaya
Bengali Name: Kurki, Kaih, Baghnoki,baghnakhi
Chinese Name :Jiao hu ma
French Name : Tête de mort
Nepalese Name : Biralo-nangri, gridharnankee
Russian Name : Мартиния
German Name : Einjährige Martynie
Kurdish Name : Navika fîlê ya salane
Portuguese Name : Martynia
Spanish Name : Martynia

Family : Pedallaceae 

Part used :WholePlant

Medicinal Uses:
  • This plant is used mainly as antiviperin and against the bite of spiders, for more information on the website of the Digital Library of Traditional Mexican belonging to the UNAM, you can find detailed information. It is also grown as an ornamental. Unripe fruits are edible. 
  • The fruits are adapted for transportation in large animal paws. They can hurt cows.
  • Leaf-used in epilepsy, also applied to tuberculous glands of the neck. Fruit-anti-inflammatory. Ash of the fruit, mixed with coconut oil, is applied on burns. Seed oil-applied on abscesses.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this informative information about Devil’s Claw Powder with us. It's very helpful. Keep it up!
