
Jamun Seed

Jamun also known as Eugenia jambolana or Java Plum is especially recommended for diabetes.
Jamun seeds support the liver functions and also possess anti oxidant property. Due to its astringent property Jamun benefits a lot in frequency of urine. Jamun seed also strengthen the cardiac muscles. Jamun seeds correct the working of the digestive system and helps in prevention of diabetic complications. 
                                  Antidiabitic Herb
Botanical Name : Syzygium Cumini
English Name: jambolan, java plum
Hindi Name : jaman, jamba, jambava, jambhal, jambu
Common Name : Eugenia Jambolana, Plum, Black Plum, Jaman, Jambolan
Bengali Name :jam, kalajam
Dogri Name :dhallan, jambu, jamoon
Garo  Name :bor jamuk, chambi, khimkhol
Kannada Name :dulle nerale, goujalau mara, jambu naerale
Khasi Name :dieng ramai
Malayalam Name :nara, naval, njara, njaval, perin-njara
French Name : Jambosier d'eau, Jambolanier d'eau, Pomme d'eau, Pomme de Java
German Name : Wachsjambuse, Wasserjambuse
Russian Name :Сизигиум аквум Sizigium akvum,Сизихиум яблочный  Sizikhium iablochnyj
Spanish Name: Cajuilito Solimán (Dominica Rep.), Manzana de agua, Perita-costeña
Thai Name : Chomphuu pa (Chom phu pa)
Malay Name: Jambu air , Jambu ayer, Jambu ayer mawar, Jambu chili
Manipuri Name :gulamchat
Marathi Name :jam, jaman, jambul, rajale, rajjambula, thorajambula
Mizoram Name :hmuipui
Oriya Name :jamkoli
Sanskrit Name :jambava, jambu, jambuh, jambula
Tamil Name :kottainaval, naaval, nava-mara, naval, neredom
Telugu Name :ala naredu, all neredu, jambu, jambu naredu
Tibetan Name :dza mbu, dzam-bu, ka ka dz mbu
Urdu Name :jamun, poast jamun
Family Name : Myrtaceae

Part Used : Seeds, Leaves, Fruits, Bark

Medicinal Uses :
  • The leaves are antibacterial, and are used for strengthning the teeth and gums.
  • The fruit and seeds are sweet, acrid, sour, tonic, and cooling, and are used in diabities, diarrhoea and ringworm. 
  • The bark is astringent, sweet sour, diuretic, digestive and anthelmintic.
  • Jamun seeds are astringent refrigerant and cure skin disorders.
  • Jamun fruit pulp mixed with sesame oil is applied in burning condition. In fever associated with burning and delirium, a rice of cloth soaked in the above mixture is kept on the forehead.
  • The Oil boiled with the leaves is used for application in cancroids and syphilitic ulcers.
  • Jamun is an appetizer, digestive and liver stimulant.
  • Impairment of liver function associated with diabetes is improved by Jamun seed powder.
  • Jamun is also an astringent. Excessive use to fruits causes constipation.
  • The fruits and fruit juice are effective in disorders like loss of appetite, indigestion, pain and dysentery.
  • Jamun fruit powder is very effective in chronic diarrhea and dysentery. Leaves are given for relieving emesis.
  • In tooth and throat pain, gargling with decoction of bark helps.
  • Haemostatic. Leaf juice is used in hemorrhagic disorders. Jamun seeds are used in hemorrhagic and diarrhea with bleeding per rectum.
  • The fruit and seed powder along with milk when administered helps in glucose metabolism in the liver, due to which blood and urine sugar leaves become low causing hypoglycemia.

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