

Bacopa monniera, is a small, creeping herb with numerous branches,succulent, rooting at the nodes, with numerous prostrate branches, each 10-30 cm long. Brahmi leaves are petiole, oblong, sessile, and fleshy. Flowers are purple in color;axillary, solitary with peduncles. In India and the tropics it grows naturally in wet soil,shallow water, and marshes. The herb can be found at elevations from sea level to altitudesof 4,400 feet, and is easily cultivated if adequate water is available. Flowers and fruit appear in summer and the entire plant is used medicinally.  


Botanical Name Bacopa Monniera
English Name
Water hyssop, Pennell, Herb-of-Grace
Common Name 
Pennywort, Indian Pennywort, Artayniya-e Hindi, Jal Brahmi
Indian Name 
Gotu kala,Herpestis Monnieria, Thyme Leaved Gratiola, Brahmi
Bengali Name
Sanskrit Name
Brahmi, Kapotavega, Matsyakshi
Hindi Name
Marathi Name
Gujarati Name
Tamil Name
Telagu Name
French Name 
Bacopa des herbalistes, Bacopa médicinale
German Name  Kleines Fettblatt, Wasserysop
Arabic Name  Farfakh
Urdu Name  Jal Brahmi
Japanese Name  Bakopa
Nepalese Name  Medha giree
Russian Name  Бакопа, Бакопа Монье
Polish Name  Bakopa drobnolistna, Bakopa moniera
Sinhalese Name Lunuvila, Lunu wila, Nigandu
Thai Name  Phak mi , Phrommi
Vietnamese Name Rau đắng biển

Family : Scrophulariaceae

Part Used : Whole Plant

Medicinal Uses:
  • Brahmi plant has a number of uses in Ayurveda.It has antioxidant properties.Brahmi is a well-known memory booster.
  • It improves intellect, consciousness, and mental acuity.Calms the mind and promotes relaxation.It Decreases anxiety, restlessness.Most commonly used to improve mental alertness, and enhance learning.
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