
Vidarikand / Indian Kudzu

It is an adaptogen, alterative, aphrodisiac, cardiotonic, demulcent, diuretic, emetic, emmolient, expectorant, febrifuge, galactagogue, lactagogue, laxative, refrigerant, rejuvenating, restorative, sweet and tonic. Useful in spermatorrhoea, sexual and seminal debility.
It contains Disogenin which help the body’s testosterone production and maintenance. Disogenin is one of the primary building blocks that the body needs to produce testosterone. It also acts as a general tonic. It also helps to increase the size of the breast, tighten, lift and firm the breasts. 
                          Medicinal Bark
Details :

English Name: Thistles, Indian Kudzu,Giant Potato Root,Nepalese kudzu
Botanical Name: Pueraria Tuberose
Hindi Name: Vidarikand,Sural, Bilaikand, Bharda, Tirra, Bankumra,Bidari
Bengali Name : Vidari, Bhumikusmanda, Bhuinkumra
Chinese Name : Sanlieyeyege, Gegen
French Name : Kudzu de l’Inde
Gujarati Name : Khakarbel, Vidari, Fagiyo, Fagdano Beli
Kannada Name : Nelagumbala Gudde,Nelagumbala,Gumadi belli, Nelagumbula
Latin name : Pueraria tuberosa Roxb. ex Willd.
Marathi Name : Bender, Ghodvel
Punjabi Name : Siali
Sanskrit Name : Vidhari, Vidharikand

Part Used : Bark

Medicinal Uses:
  • The herb reduces vata and normalizes kapha, which increases shukra dhatu. This shukra dhatu helps in increasing hard erections,libido and sexual energy.
  • Bhringraj is used as a rejuvenative medicine in ayurveda. It is used as a tonic for keeping the body healthy and fit.
  • It has many uses. Mainly, it is used in hair treatment. It is also used in treatment of skin diseases,eye infections,hyperacidity,anemia.
  • It is also used to relieve post delivery uterine pain. Intestinal worms in infants leaves extract should be given with honey. It has antiaging properties.

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