

It is particularly useful as a mild febrifuge or tonic. It is prescribed in a variety of forms and combinations in chronic fevers and anaemia. It is also credited with alterative, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antidiarrhoeal, antiemetic, antifungal, antiinflammatory, antiperiodic, antispasmodic, appetiser, astringent, bitter, blood purifier, carminative, demulscent, diuretic, emmenagogue, hepatic, hepatoprotective, immunostimulant, laxative and stomachic properties. Unlike most other bitters, it does not constipate the bowels.
It also exhibits hypoglycemic activity. Research has shown Chiretta to protect the liver and promote secretion of bile. It also contains xanthones, which are reputedly effective against malaria and tuberculosis, and also amarogentin, a glycoside that may protect the liver against carbon tetrachloride poisoning. Also useful in vitiligo, skin diseases, scabies and fever. It also protects against bronchitis and asthma. It restores tone after illness. Also indicated for gastrointestinal disturbances after prolonged illness and for improving immunity in the body to fight diseases. 
                         Natural Root
Details :
Botanical Name: Swertia Chirata
Hindi Name: Kariyatu,Kirayat,Bhunimb,Nelaberu,Nelavepu,Kiriyattu
English Name : Chiretta, Indian Balmony, Bitter Stick
Arabic Name : Qamha, Qasab Farsee
Bengali Name : Chirata, Mahatita
Chinese Name : Yin du zhang ya cai
French Name : Swertie de l’Inde
German Name : Chirettakraut, Kirayakraut
Gujarati Name : Kariyatu, Charyatah, Chirayita
Kannada Name : Nalebevu, Chirata Kaddi, Chirayat
Kashmiri Name : Chiraita
Latin Name      : Swertia chirata Buch
Marathi Name : Kiraita, Kaduchiraita
Persian Name : Chiraita Talkh
Punjabi Name : Chiretta, Chiraita
Sanskrit Name : Bhunimba, Kirata, Kiratak
Urdu Name : Chiraita Talkh

Parts Used: Whole Plant

Medicinal Uses:

  • The root of the plant is useful in curing hiccups and vomiting.
  • The herb can also be used for range of other diseases and conditions including leprosy, leucoderma, scabies, neuro-muscular disorders, menorrhagia, menstrual irregularity, urinary disease, heart disease, asthma, cough , dyscrasia, ulcer, jaundice and anaemia.
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