

Description :
The seeds are acrid, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antifungal, aromatic, bitter, diaphoretic, diuretic and laxative. Useful in hypopigmented lesions of the skin like leucoderma and psoriasis as it contains psoralen, which causes the skin to produce new pigment when exposed to sunlight. It is used both as a local application and orally. Also useful externally in scabies, dermatitis and leprosy and is also useful in painful urination.
Clinical trials were conducted to assess the efficacy of Babchi seeds. Oral administration along with application of oil and exposure of the patient to sunlight for 5-30 minutes daily for 1-7 weeks gave encouraging results.


Botanical Name:-Psoralea corylifolia L.
FamilyName: Fabaceaehabit
Common Name : Bavanchi Seeds,Psoralea corylifolia, Babchi, Bakuchi
Latin Name:  Psoralea corylifolia
Arabic Name : Mehlab Aswad
Bengali Name : Hakuch
Chinese Name : Bu gu zhi
English Name : Babchi Seeds, Purple Fleabane
French Name : Psoraléa
German Name : Asphaltkleefrüchte
Gujarati Name : Bavachi, Bakchi
Hindi Name : Babchi
Kannada Name : Bauchige, Bhavantibeeja, Bhavanchigid, Baukuchi
Kashmiri Name : Babchi
Marathi Name : Bawchi
Persian Name : Waghchi
Punjabi Name : Babchi, Bavchi
Sanskrit Name : Vakuchi, Bakuchi
Urdu Name : Babchi

Medicinal Uses:
1. The seed, root and leaves of Bakuci is used in the form of powder to treat skin diseases, vitiligo, minor skin diseases, poisoning, for conception, caries, deafness, filaria, wound and as rejuvinative.
2. Aromatic, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antifungal, diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative, stimulant, aphrodisiac
3. Bakuchi is used in indigestion, ama and constipation.
4. Bakuchi is useful in all types of worms especially round worms.
5. Bakuchi have a liver stimulant property so it is useful in piles.
6. Bakuchi stimulates the heart and the circulatory system, it is used in cardiac failure and oedema produced by it.
7. Bakuchi due to its bio energetic property it plays good role in treat to respiratory discomfort like cough and asthma.
8. Bakuchi is beneficial in all types of infectious disease
9. Bakuchi have an aphrodisiac property so it is used in impotency.
10. Bakuchi fruit have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic property.

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